Saturday, 2 May 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Launch Trailer
The Weekly Watcher: May 1, 2009
Jackman Plans Carousel Trip with Oscars Partner Hathaway
HUGH JACKMAN is trying to persuade his Oscars dancing partner ANNE HATHAWAY to join him on the CAROUSEL.
The Aussie star has developed a script for the beloved Stephen Sondheim musical and he wants Hathaway to play Julie Jordan opposite his Billy Bigelow.
He says, "I've been looking to do a musical film for some time and after things like Moulin Rouge!, Chicago and Hairspray, I think there's a real opportunity there."
And he's clear only Hathaway will do as his leading lady: "I've been filling up her answering machine with messages about Carousel."
Hathaway, who joined Jackman for a song and dance at the Oscars, is about to embark on her own musical journey - she will star in a new theatre and film adaptation of The Wizard of Oz star Judy Garland's life.
Berry Hopes For X-men Return
Halle Berry hopes to follow in the footsteps of Hugh Jackman by reviving her X-men character for a prequel.
Jackman's new movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine is set before the comic book trilogy and tells the life story of his superhero alter ego.
And Berry, who played weather-controlling mutant Storm in the first three films, would love to return to the franchise with her own X-Men Origins picture.
She says, "I think that would be great. Storm deserves her own movie - if I can still fit into the suit."
Hugh Jackman on this weekend's T4
More from T4:
Rick just can't seem to let Hugh go after he takes over T4 Sunday for the 17th April.
Hugh Jackman answers some tough questions from Rick and Miquita, with only his Wolverine claw for defence. Watch the interview in full on T4 Sunday: 19 April.
Hugh contemplates the Island life as he takes over T4 for Sunday the 17th April.
Hugh Jackman teaches Rick and Miquita how to roar like Wolverine.
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Wolverine (Deadpool) and Watchmen
Visit for more videos like this!
Note: This Is A Fair Use Movie/Franchise Review and Parody. ItsJustSomeRandomGuy is the Writer, Performer and Copyright Holder.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Hugh Jackman | |||| | ||||
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Interviews
In Defense Of Wolverine: Beating Back The Bad Reviews
Written by: Josh Tyler
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Fox’s latest superhero movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine is taking a pounding. Critics are currently ripping it apart with a savagery usually reserved only for Uwe Boll movies. The beast inside Wolverine has unleashed a feral animal inside the world’s most prominent reviewers, the claws are out, and Hugh Jackman is their target. The film currently holds a dismal 38% fresh ratting at, an average which is still plummeting. By comparison the last X-Men movie, widely regarded as a huge mistake, managed a 56% fresh rating among film critics. Wolverine’s dismal reviews put it in an elite class of awful superhero movies, alongside the likes of Elektra and Ghost Rider.
Critics have it in for Wolverine, but maybe some of us saw a different movie.
Audience response to Wolverine has so far, been remarkably positive. Users on IMDB have given it an average rating of 7/10. An impromptu poll currently being conducted among viewers on this site most definitely skews towards the positive. What’s more, on message boards and talkbacks around the web, the general feeling seems to be “hey this wasn’t that bad.”
Wolverine needs a defender. It’s not a perfect film, but it’s a far cry from Ghost Rider. Better this than the lifeless abortion that was X-Men: The Last Stand. Gavin Hood is not Brett fucking Ratner and his movie deserves a little more credit. Yet even Cinema Blend’s own Katey Rich called it “a bad, maybe even terrible movie” in her review. Katey you know I think you’re awesome but in this case, I respectfully disagree. You’ve all got it wrong.
In an almost certainly vain attempt to balance the scales, I’ll do my best to set things right by taking the naysayers on. Below I’m answering the critics whose opinions most represent the generally negative consensus on Wolvy. If you haven’t see X-Men Origins: Wolverine yet, you may want to stop reading right now. Spoilers will be involved.
'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' ... On A Scale of 1-10?
Written by: Erik Davis
Back when Watchmen came out, we decided to introduce a new 1-10 Poll instead of simply asking for your opinion on a film in the comments section. We felt this added a new element to the whole post-blockbuster experience, and promised to bring it back for summer movie season if you folks played along. And since a whopping 5,000 of you participated in that Watchmen poll, the 1-10 is officially back ... and looking for a little love.
Since we can't launch these for every single summer movie, we're going to stick with the bigger blockbusters -- the films most likely to win their opening weekend by a mile. As with most questions on a 1-10 scale, 1 will be the absolute worst and 10 pretty much knocked your socks off. After all was said and done on Watchmen, folks settled in on an 8. Will any summer movie beat that? Which summer flick will come in the lowest? Highest? Once we hit Labor Day, we'll tally it all up and see who's getting a sequel and who's, well, looking for other work.
Our Summer 2009 1-10 Polls begin with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Sound off below ...
‘Wolverine’ Hits $34.75 Million On Friday, Hoping for $85+ Million for the Weekend
Written by: Brad Brevet
Looking to become the seventh biggest comic adaptation of all-time.
No matter what you think about X-Men Origins: Wolverine it appears a lot of you already went out to see it as Steve Mason at Big Hollywood reports the origin story of the bad-tempered mutant hit an estimated $34.75 million on Friday and he expects it may end up around $86.8 million as the first blockbuster of the Summer 2009 movie season. Mason points out this gives Wolverine the seventh best opening day for a comic book adaptation with last year’s Iron Man besting it by less than a half-million.
Should Mason’s estimate of $86.8 million hold it will also make it the seventh best opening weekend for a comic book adaptation, but X2’s $85.5 is a close eighth in that case and it’s all going to depend on word-of-mouth, which if you read around the Internet it appears the fanboys didn’t take to it, but just how will general audiences feel? One thing I know is $86.8 is damn close to our Box-Office Oracle’s prediction of $88 million. Atta boy Laremy.
Get Your Free Comic Book
The first Saturday in May is free comic-book day in comic stores around the country.
Yes, free Wolverine.
For the eighth year, in a row, comic-book shops around the country will be participting in the giveaway. This year, special issues of "Wolverine," "The Savage Dragon," "The Avengers," "Sonic the Hedgehog," "Love and Rockets," "Transformers" and G.I. Joe will be given out, along with a 25th-anniversary reprint of the first issue of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."
Watch Hugh Jackman, who plays Wolverine in this weekend's "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," talk about Free Comic Book Day and fighting illiteracy:
Open Forum Friday: Can the X-Men Movie Franchise Still Be Salvaged?
As people head out to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine this weekend, the question on a lot of people’s minds will no doubt be, how does it compare to the previous X-Men films? While I’m sure some will claim it is better than X-Men: The Last Stand, it’s still hard to get past the feeling that something is missing. It’s not quite an X-Men movie, even though it wants to be one. With Fox currently contemplating even more X-Men prequels and spin-offs, they run the risk of alienating their audience and watering down the X-Men name to the point of no return. Are they playing with fire?
Perhaps the question is irrelevant in this age of reboots, where studios can easily erase their past mistakes, but I do think the X-Men series is at an important crossroads here. There are a LOT of characters in the X-Men universe, but only a few that can support a standalone movie. Wolverine makes sense, but would a Magneto prequel really draw a crowd? What about the proposed X-Men: First Class spin-off for younger viewers? If you ask me, there are only so many new characters you can introduce before audiences get confused, and only so many times a movie series can change creative hands before audiences stop caring. At that point you just have to make a clean break and start over again from scratch.
What do you think? Do you like the idea of an unlimited stream of X-Men spin-offs from different directors? Would you prefer to see X-Men 4 or is that now impossible? Are all comic book movie franchises simply doomed to die after four installments? Give us your thoughts here on Open Forum Friday.
Wolverine Turning Japanese - Film School Rejects
Written by: Josh Radde
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And we don’t mean in the “adolescent boy with a nudie magazine” way.
According to /Film (and more specifically, an interview with MTV), a sequel to this weekend’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine is already in the pipeline. This time, he’s heading to Japan to duke it out with some samarai(s?).
According to Jackman, the Japan storyline is intriguing because his “anarchic character, the outsider, being in this world — I can see it aesthetically, too — full of honor and tradition and customs and someone who’s really anti-all of that, and trying to negotiate his way.” Plus he’ll get to put on those blue jeans again. (Excuse me while I go turn Japanese thinking about that).
(Ok, back)
(Was that awkward for you?)
Slumdog Millionaire’s screenwriter Simon Beaufoy was allegedly approached by Jackman to pen the follow-up to today’s release, but no one has been confirmed to write or direct. We know, based on Wolverine’s ending that some other X-Men releases could be coming out down the line as well - maybe even that Magneto origins film that’s been rumored so many times before.
Samantha Blogs: The Hunks of 'Wolverine,' 'Star Trek'
Summer movie madness is reaching a boil, and "The Insider"'s Samantha Harris is blogging her impressions of the hunks of 'Star Trek' and 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'!
Samantha recently interviewed 'Star Trek''s Kirk and Spock, Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, and she gushes that "they are going to be, if they're not already, plastered on every school girl's wall when this movie comes out."
But can they out-duel Hugh Jackman's 'Wolverine' in a box-office brawl? Samantha shares her thoughts about that -- and reveals which of her "Dancing" co-stars is a huge Trekkie! Could it be Tom Bergeron?
Plus, Samantha and "Insider" director Miguel take a peek at the's spoof of the recent PETA ads -- and it appears that the joke's on Miguel!
Hugh Jackman X-Men Origins Wolverine Opening
Swine Flu Halts Film Production
Hugh Jackman weighs in on halting production in Mexico. THE REAL WORLD: CANCUN wraps early. See Heidi & Spencer Pratt in Cancun. Who's canceling their trips and who's donning masks on the beach? Check it out here!
Friday, 1 May 2009
Hugh Jackman on BET 106 show (2009)..just a min clip
Opening Night - Hugh Jackman Takes on Producing Role to Protect Wolverine
What brings a star back to a franchise as a producer (other than a giant paycheck, of course)? Creative control, says Hugh Jackman to the throng of Wolverine fans lining the streets of Tempe, Arizona. (The city won an online contest to host the world premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.) In true rebel style, Jackman arrived via a motorcycle, then joined his co-stars Ryan Reynolds and Liev Schreiber on the carpet.
Hugh Jackman's spandex relief
Hugh Jackman is thrilled he didn't have to wear tights to play Wolverine.
The Australian actor - who reprises his role as the mutant anti-hero in new movie 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' - is relieved he didn't have to don Spandex like many other actors who have brought to life comic book characters on the big screen.
Video: Trailer for ‘Marvel vs. Capcom 2’ Fighting Game From Capcom
Written by. BrianTT
Capcom unleashed a trailer for the highly anticipated downloadable title, “Marvel vs. Capcom 2,” a summer release that pits legendary characters from the Marvel Universe (including the hero of the first big summer movie, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”) vs. ones from Capcom games. It looks very cool. Check out the preview and then read below for further details.
Synopsis: “Marvel VS Capcom 2 features the biggest roster of challengers to ever square off in a Capcom fighting game, a total of 56 combined brawlers from both the Capcom and Marvel universes. From the world of Capcom comes characters such as Ryu from the Street Fighter® series, Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil® games and unofficial company mascot Mega Man®. Marvel is represented by some of its biggest names, including the Invincible Iron Man, Captain America, the Sentinel of Liberty, and War Machine, Weapon of S.H.I.E.L.D. Players can mix and match from both worlds in order to create their own ideal three man/woman/robot/monster team-up.
Marvel VS Capcom 2 is designed to be a gateway for new players to experience the fun of fighting games while providing a deep system for hardcore fighting fans to dig into. Action is based around colorful, exaggerated attacks that include gigantic projectile attacks (such as Ryu’s fireball or Dr. Doom’s Plasma Beam) and high-flying aerial moves (like Spider-Man’s Maximum Spider or Cammy’s Killer Bee Attack). The controls are somewhat simplified from the classic six-button system at the heart of Capcom games like Street Fighter® IV, utilizing a four-button control scheme for the action, with two “assist” buttons that pull in your team members for additional support.
Due to the amazing combination of Marvel and Capcom characters and the game’s celebrated fighting system and graphics, MvC2 has been a hotly sought-after title on the game collector’s circuit. Previously owned copies for older game consoles have been demanding more than $100 in auctions and at specialty video game outlets. Now players who have been desperately searching out used copies of the game will be able to go hands-on and play online with the same great online experience from Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. Additionally, Capcom has added an optional advanced visual filter that improves the overall appearance of the game and added online modes, including Ranked Matches and the popular Player “Quarter” Match, that allows up to four people to watch and chat while two others are battling it out.”
Key features
• Over 50 characters from the Marvel and Capcom Universes!
• 3 on 3 tag-team matches
• New online matching mode, including Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix’s “Quarter Match” mode ; enjoy the arcade experience from your console
• New optional visual filter smoothes out the game’s graphics
• Four button controls introduce new players to fighting games; compatible with the Mad Catz Street Fighter IV joysticks and Fight Pad
• Available for the first time via digital distribution on Xbox LIVE Arcade and the PlayStation Network
Swedish People Not Digging 'Wolverine'
Known for its high taxes, rustic scenery and history of Nazi collaboration, Sweden is indeed a mysterious country. Often confused with Switzerland, Sweden is by contrast a highly conservative country, evidenced most recently by its decision to slap Marvel's latest cinematic offering, "Wolverine," with their most severe rating.
Reported Thursday by Variety, members of the Swedish Board of Film Censors have bequeathed the Hugh Jackman film with a "15 classification" - meaning that no one under that age (the same as the country's sexual consent age) would be permitted to view it, with or without an adult.
"Of course we respect the decision," Fox Sweden CEO Hansi Mandoki told Variety yesterday, following the Stockholm Court of Appeals upholding the board ruling, "but it is sad that so many fans won't be able to see the film." He added, "I'm certain the decision will mean more illegal downloading of the film."
Execs at Fox (the film's distributor) are quick to point out that the three "X-Men" films preceding "Wolverine" all received "11 classification," meaning children as young as 7 could see them with an adult. Likewise, other violent films released this year - including "State of Play," "Quantum of Solace" and "Valkyrie" - all received an "11."
Maybe they just don't like the idea of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool?
Open Discussion Thread: X-Men Origins Wolverine
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You’ve heard about it, you’ve read about it, and you may have even taken a peek at the leaked version. But tomorrow is the first time you’ll actually be able to see “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” on the big screen. The film is a topic of great interest for a lot of people beyond the fanboys and comic book geeks out there; industry insiders are also looking at the viability of a series of “X-Men Origins” movies, with “Magneto” possibly on the horizon. This is your open thread for “X-Men: Wolverine”. If you’ve seen it, let us know what you think.
Poll: Tell Us What You Think Of Wolverine
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The first big movie of the summer has arrived. Amidst piracy and controversy, no doubt many of you are already on your way home from midnight showings of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The rest of you will be braving theaters over the weekend, blustering past the movie’s bad reviews to bravely support Hugh Jackman who, let’s face it, even in the worst situations is still pretty awesome.
You’ve read our review and we’ve talked about it endlessly. Now it’s your turn. We want to know what you think of Wolverine. Did it live up to the hype? Live down to it? Or did this whole superhero fiasco just leave a bad taste in your mouth? After you see it, come back here and share your opinion by discussing it on our message board, in the comments section, and by casting your vote in the official CB Poll below:
The Real Truth About Wolverine's Origins
Written by: Simon Abrams
Midway through the clunky but sometimes fun X-Men Origins: Wolverine -- right before his skeleton is laced with liquid Adamantium -- the indestructible metal that makes him invincible, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) is told by a techie that the pain will be excruciating and that he should focus on whatever reason he had for undergoing the life-threatening procedure.
The irony of this line is that, taken out of context, the comic-book character’s “one thing” has been about as constant as the myriad of creative teams that have brought us yet another version of, to quote the ads for Bill Jemas/Paul Jenkins/Andy Kubert/Joe Quesada' mini-series' Origin (2001-02), the character's previously "untold" history.
If anything, Wolverine probably has more history than should most feral manimals without a past should (see this nifty and wonderfully OCD chronology for proof), so determining who this Wolvie would be was not so much a matter of the screenwriters reinventing the wheel as it was multiple choice.
Video: Trailer For ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ Game From Activision
Written by: BrianTT
CHICAGO – To celebrate tomorrow’s release of the video game based on the first big movie of the season, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” Activision presents what they call the “Final Reveal” trailer for the highly anticipated tie-in game. Check it out for yourself and don’t miss “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” in theaters tomorrow, May 1st, 2009. The Gavin Hood-directed film stars Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Danny Huston, Lynn Collins, Ryan Reynolds, and Dominic Monaghan.
Activision’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” will be available for PS3, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, PSP, DS, and PC tomorrow, May 1st, 2009. [Johnnyc's Blog -]
Written by: JohnnyC
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Planning on seeing Wolverine this weekend? Bracing yourself for disappointment? Don’t worry, fellow DoorQs…I’ve got something that might help.
Forget X-Men Origins: Wolverine for the moment. (Yes, I’ll see it but no, I’m not that excited about it…still washing out the bad taste in my mouth from X-Men 3).
Instead, just go right to the source...the comics.
And don’t let the scope of the X-Men universe frighten you. Yes, there’s always X-Men Legacy (total snooze fest since Messiah Complex cross-over), Astonishing X-Men (hasn’t been good since Joss Whedon left), X-Factor (does anyone still read that?), and X-Force (worth the read, but not the main event). Oh, and Cable and Young X-Men…
Just stick to Uncanny X-Men.
Right after Messiah Complex, and just in time for the rounded number celebration of #500, Matt Fraction took the reins from Ed Brubaker and has been doing some really cool shit.
Here’s why you should be reading Uncanny X-Men…
The X-Men recently relocated to a much more tolerant environment, that being San Francisco. Add Northstar as a key member to the team, throw in a bunch of bitchy divas looking for revenge, and more gay metaphors than you can shake a pink psionic sword at, and you’ve pretty much summed up the current state of things in the X-verse.
Go back and start with issue #500. Read through to #509, currently on shelves. You won’t be disappointed. Fraction is setting up a lot of good things to come, and from the start of his run, he really hit the ground running.
Pixie gets bashed by an angry mob of mutant-hating bigots.
Beast forms a coalition of scientists to isolate and rediscover the lost X-gene.
The Black Queen leads a cabal of sexy divas (Spiral, Lady Deathstrike, the Mastermind Sisters, Chimera, and the resurrected Psylocke) that kick some serious ass (looking fierce as they do it).
And…yeah, coming from the “X-Men is the fucking gayest comic ever” school of thought…I wish I could make this shit up, but… a local group of conservatives called the Humanity Now! Coalition is pushing a piece of legislation through the political system known as the Mutant Breeding Act Ballot Initiative known as...again, I’m not kidding…Proposition X.
This (cough Prop 8 cough cough) proposition would make it mandatory for mutants to undergo sterilization procedures, thus ensuring the extinction of the species. And with the recent anti-mutant sentiment coming off of Messiah Complex, the public seems to be behind it.
It’s like Fraction isn’t even trying to be subtle with the “X-Men as LGBT community” metaphor here. Of course, how do we first hear about this Proposition X? We cut to a live video conference, interrupting a tv interview with Northstar…which he gives on Market Street right in front of the Castro Theater.
Maybe this time around he’ll get some goddamned action.
I mean, the X-Men live in San Francisco for fuck’s sake. Get Northstar laid already…
So yeah…stale, pre-packaged PG-13 summer blockbusters got you down?
Pick up Matt Fraction’s run on Uncanny X-Men.
If you like it, also check out Fraction’s new Invincible Iron Man series. He’s got some cool, post-Secret Invasion shit going on with that title as well.
MaryAnn Johanson keeps posting about Wolverine
Written by: MaryAnn Johanson
4th thing I can tell you about ‘Wolverine’ that doesn’t violate the review embargo -- and it’s TMI!
I would probably totally do Liev Schreiber (aka Sabretooth) before I’d do Hugh Jackman. It’s true!
5th thing I can tell you about ‘Wolverine’ that doesn’t violate the review embargo
Tim1974 is going to be really disappointed, because while Wolverine offers us a quick, at-a-distance, and-it’s-CGIed-anyway glimpse of mutant cock, there are no vulvas onscreen at all.
last thing I will tell you about ‘Wolverine’ that doesn’t violate the review embargo
I did not hate Ryan Reynolds in this movie. Shocking!
My review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is embargoed until 12:01am Friday, but look for it then.
MaryAnn's review will be up on the review's section of the Wolverine site, along with many other reactions to the film.3rd thing I can tell you about ‘Wolverine’ that doesn’t violate the review embargo
Written by: MaryAnn Johanson
Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman
My review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is embargoed until 12:01am Friday, but look for it then.
10 Mutants Who Need an X-Men Origins Movie
Written by: Christopher Campbell
As long as X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a success this weekend (and despite all its “bad luck,” it should do very well), Fox will follow it with another X-Men spin-off, this one detailing the back story of Magneto. Outside of that project, which has been in the works just as long as the Wolverine film, there’s interest in solo movies for Gambit, Deadpool and Emma Frost (White Queen), as well as a spin-off about the original X-Men team as students.
Recently, in another list, we called for an Origins film focused on the shape-shifting villain Mystique, for which we even suggested Brian DePalma to direct. That spin-off is still our first choice, but since there are so many great mutant characters in the Marvel Universe, we’d like to pitch ten more X-Men origin movies to Hollywood (not just to Fox). To go along with the studio’s idea of hiring an unqualified filmmaker (Gavin Hood) for the job, we also recommend a barely appropriate director for each film.
another thing I can tell you about ‘Wolverine’ that doesn’t violate the review embargo
Written by: MaryAnn Johanson
I have a ticket to see the movie again with my geek posse on Saturday night -- a ticket I bought before I even saw the movie this Tuesday -- and it won’t at all be a chore to sit through it again.
My review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is embargoed until 12:01am Friday, but look for it then.
1 thing I can tell you about ‘Wolverine’ that doesn’t violate the review embargo
Written by: MaryAnn Johanson
After I saw the movie on Tuesday, I tweeted this:
[MaryAnn Johanson] wildly enjoyed the cheezy-poof cinematic junk food that is "Wolverine," and volunteers to lick the cheezy-poof residue off Hugh Jackman
(Everyone who follows me on Twitter gets my instant post-screening reaction to a movie.)
My review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is embargoed until 12:01am Friday, but look for it then.
Jackman Gives Up On Wolverine Diet
Hugh Jackman is stuffing his stomach full of fatty foods after enduring months of diet torture to build muscle for new action film X-men Origins: Wolverine.
The Australian action star forced his pals to put up with his picky eating habits in between gruelling gym sessions as he prepared to play a convincing mutant in the X-Men movie.
He remembers, "I said, 'I've got to set the tone here, I'm going to be in the best shape - (more) than I've ever been before.' ...I wasn't a great dinner party guest. (I would say), 'Great to be here. Now, can I have some steamed chicken and steamed vegetables?'The Movie Watcher’s Guide to Wolverine
Written by: Robert Fure
Also known as Gulo gulo, the wolverine is a dense and stocky animal, the largest of the mammalian weasel family. Normally known for their aggressive behavior in defense of kills - has this gone on long enough? I think it has. If you’re reading this on a film website, no doubt we’re talking about the Marvel comic character Wolverine, portrayed by Hugh Jackman in the X-Men franchise and star of the upcoming X-Men Origins installment. If you’ve ever read a comic, no doubt you’ve comic across Wolverine. Basically the only thing he hasn’t done is dunk on Sir Charles - a feat which both Godzilla and myself accomplished. But that’s unrelated.
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Public Service Announcement
Reynolds: 'Wolverine' workouts were awful
Written by: Lara Martin
Ryan Reynolds has admitted that he found the experience of getting in shape for X-Men Origins: Wolverine to be "awful".
The actor, who plays Wade Wilson in the superhero prequel, told reporters at the Los Angeles premiere that he had spent months working out before filming began.
"Well that's awful, in general, working out like that. I think it's fine to work out a little bit every once in a while, it's expected," he explained.
"But each day eating live screaming chickens and hitting the gym for four or five hours is no fun."
When asked how he celebrated the end of shooting, he replied: "I just fell face first into a big bowl of chocolate fudge pudding. Yeah, it was disgusting!"
Reynolds, who is married to Scarlett Johansson, added that co-star Hugh Jackman would "definitely" beat him in a fight, saying: "[He] would turn me into some kind of fine curd cottage cheese-like ass pudding, if I may be so bold to say."
A Deadpool Spinoff? How About ‘Cable & Deadpool?’ - Screen Rant
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Written by: Rob Keyes
During one of the many press events for X-Men Origins: Wolverine in recent days, MTV had a chance to catch up with Ryan Reynolds, who plays the character Wade Wilson in the film.
In their brief interview, MTV asked him about what other mutants he would like to see Deadpool face-off against in his own spin-off feature film. Reynolds responded:
“There are all kinds of villains… You’ve got Black Tom — all kinds of characters that you could really make great use of.”
There are many characters indeed, but one stands out in particular for the Canadian actor and husband of other Marvel actor Scarlett Johansson. That mutant he’s talking about is Cable.
In our discussions here at Screen Rant on which characters could be in X-Men: First Class, I made a joke about including Cable in the upcoming prequel as one of the mutant characters that could be introduced. Well, now it makes much more sense to do just that and have some sort of origin for his character in preparation for a Deadpool spinoff. It seems like a great idea to me and another cool way to tie all the movies together as well as prepare future storylines for the idea of time-travel.“The ‘Deadpool/Cable’ stuff is great… I’ve never really cast that character in my head. He’s such a complicated character.”
There’s not much else they can do since we know what happens with Cyclops and Jean Grey in the X-Men trilogy – so, there won’t be any cloning and marriage going on with the characters. In Wolverine’s spinoff, we see that Fox reversed the order of who Cyclops meets first, having introduced Emma Frost before the X-Men are even formed and before Scott Summers even meets Jean Grey.
Since we first heard that Deadpool was to be featured in the Wolverine solo movie and then later heard that Ryan Reynolds would play the part (a perfect casting choice), there’s been talk and speculation over the character also getting his own spin-off. Those talks have become a very serious possibility pending the success this weekend of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and in recent interviews with producer Lauren Shuler-Donner, she’s continued to relay that Fox is in internal discussions over that potential project as well as a Gambit spinoff.
The character of Wade Wilson, who takes the codename Deadpool in the comics and will do so in future X-films, has a strong following amongst comic readers and hence there’s quite a bit of apprehension over the changes made to the character in the film.
However, by the end of the film, it is said that in the movie, the character is set up for potential future stories. A story involving Cable would be a pretty neat idea. In the comics, Cable and Deadpool had their own series together that lasted several years until recently where they split from each other as a result of the major Marvel X-Comics event, Messiah Complex. They now both have their own solo series’.
Rob Liefeld, creator of the “Merc with a Mouth” spoke about the possible Deadpool spinoff a few weeks back and said this via his Twitter account:
“Talked to producers of ‘Wolverine’ yesterday and they said that there are definite plans to spin off ‘Deadpool’ if the box office works”
Along with Liefeld and Donner, Reynolds is also fully supporting the idea of getting him and his character their own on-screen debut. As a fan of the Deadpool comics himself, Reynolds dream is to be able to make a movie strictly based on the comics – Having his own solo title would give him that chance.
If you see the Wolverine flick this weekend, stick around after the credits. You may get lucky and get the secret ending involving Deadpool (there are multiple different endings after the credits depending on which prints of the movie your theater receives).
What do you think of the idea of introducing Cable into the movie franchise and having him a key player in the Deadpool film?
'Wolverine' Interview with Taylor Kitsch
You can see Taylor Kitsch in Friday Night Lights, but it was Monday night lights that the actor said really got to him. Appearing at the U.S. premiere for X-Men Origins: Wolverine in Tempe, Arizona earlier this week, Kitsch told the crowd that he'd never experienced anything quite like it. Thousands of people waiting for hours on end to see your movie would tend to do that to you, I guess.
Speaking of the waiting, when Hugh Jackman heard that people were camping out overnight for the chance to be a part of the premiere, Jackman called a local restaurant and bought enough pastries and coffee to feed 800 people.
We spoke to Kitsch at the premiere about his character, Gambit, who I definitely don't believe is a one-and-done mutant in the X-Men movie universe.
'Wolverine' Premiere - Taylor Kitsch from Colin Boyd on Vimeo.
Summer kicks off tomorrow, with Wolverine expected to make a major dent at the box office.
The Worst Wolverine Costumes Ever
Written by: Erik Davis
In honor of X-Men Origins: Wolverine opening up in theaters this weekend, we thought it might be fun to take a look at some of the worst homemade Wolverine costumes in the history of homemade Wolverine costumes. The site NextRound assembled a whole batch for us to browse through (some of which we highlighted in the gallery below), but to tell you the truth it's not too hard to find a bad Wolverine costume. A harder task would be to find a good Wolverine costume, as a quick search turned up very little in the way of, "Wow, that's pretty cool -- good job!"
Zoo's wolverine renamed after Hugh Jackman's action hero
Riddle me this Boxwishers. You work at Edinburgh Zoo (I know you probably don’t, but go with it) where you care for the only wolverines in the UK and this week there’s a blockbuster movie released where the central character is called Wolverine – what do you do? Only go and re-christen your wolverine after this cinematic idol. Introducing Logan, the newly re-named alpha male mammal who takes his moniker from Hugh Jackman’s hairy hunk from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
It’s certainly a novel movie tie-in, one that is further established by Activision Blizzard, the creators of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine video game sponsoring the wolverine enclosure for a year. But it’s all in a good cause as this cash injection will help fund the animals’ breeding programme throughout the rest of the year and into 2010.
“As a charity we rely on our fundraising to further our work and sponsorship is an excellent way for us to raise essential funds,” explains Cristina Pouso, the corporate development manager at the Zoo. “Not just for the day-to-day care of our animals, but for our conservation projects across the globe.”
And Aruna Sinha, the senior brand manager for Activision Blizzard is equally pleased that the video game developer and publisher can do their bit. “With wolverines an endangered species, we see Wolverine having a major role in helping people become more aware of these wonderful creatures and ensuring their survival for many years to come.”
All sounds good to us and hopefully we’ll soon get bats called Bruce Wayne and spiders named Peter Parker. We can dream…
Review: 'Hulk Vs.'
Written by: Robert Greenberger
Marvel has had varying degrees of success with the direct-to-video efforts but the program continues and there’s little surprise that the most recent offering featured Wolverine, given the release this week of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. What is odd is that Lionsgate chose to release the video Hulk Vs.
The two-disc set features separate Hulk features and shine very different lights on the character. In the first, Wolverine is assigned to hunt down a monster crossing the border from America, codenamed the Hulk. Along the way, the two battle with much carnage but then the plot is complicated by the arrival of several foes from throughout Weapon X’s career – Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth, Omega Red, and Deadpool. In the 37 minute story, there are numerous flashbacks to the Weapon X program and how Logan was turned into a living weapon.
Visually, it’s the best animated Wolverine we’ve seen yet. The character designs for his opponents are pretty terrific, but no surprise since they were handled by Jeff Matsuda. It’s also one of the best voice casts I’ve heard on a Marvel production. The story moves along nicely and the action is pretty relentless.
On the other hand, it’s not much of a Hulk story. Also, on their own, each of the villains has proven to be a match for Wolverine, but here, collectively, they’re dispatched with far too much ease, weakening their threat.
The second disc has a stronger story but weaker vocal casting and shows Loki using the Hulk as a pawn in his game against his half-brother Thor. The 45 minute story is spent entirely in Asgard and pits not only Thor against the Hulk but Thor and Loki against Hel, bargaining for the soul of Bruce Banner. What happens to Banner is rather poignant and gives this tale an emotional wallop missing from the other adventure. If the forthcoming Tales of Asgard animated feature is anything like this, we’ll all benefit.
Each disc comes with an assortment of trailers in addition to Making Of featurettes. The Wolverine disc has footage from the Lionsgate panel at last summer’s San Diego convention while the Thor disc has a loving tribute to Jack Kirby.
If you have an insatiable appetite for the ol’ canucklehead, you could do worse than investing your time with this DVD set.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Review: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is hitting cinemas around the globe, but will it live up to the standard set by Bryan Singer, or end up in the dumps with Brett Ratner’s X3?

I am surprised by the amount of negativity for this film, but I think the level of expectations has a lot to do with that; personally I just went to see a movie. And I had fun. There were a few small things that bothered me, some interactions, and maybe not enough time with one or two characters, and one scene featuring a sink that seems to have been put in for cheap laughs; they really could have left that scene out of the film.
There were worries about the inclusion of so many characters in the film, but I never felt that took anything away from the story, there’s really only one or two characters I felt got pushed aside. It was actually nice to see some new faces and learn something new about the familiar characters. This is helped a lot by the strong cast, the inclusion of so many characters could have easily have been overwhelming or just plain bad if the actors didn’t put their all into the few scenes they had. I found everyone’s effort to be top notch, and many new characters endeared themselves to me despite their short screen-time
Any continuity worries I had with regards to the X-Men films were snuffed out, save maybe one or two, but that’s nothing another movie or your imagination won’t take care off.
It’s hard to compare it to the previous films in the franchise, but one thing I can say for sure, it’s much better than X3. Considering all the aspects I will say that X2 still holds the top spot, but where Wolverine lands in comparison to the first X-Men movie is hard to say, go see it and make up your own mind.
EXCLUSIVE: Hugh Jackman ‘Talking To Writers’ About ‘Wolverine’ Sequel Set In Japan
Written by: Casey Seijas
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Sure, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” doesn’t hit the multiplex circuit until this Friday (unless of course you’re one of the lucky fans that live in Tempe, AZ), but that certainly isn’t stopping the actor who’s become synonymous with Marvel’s franchise hero, Hugh Jackman, from dishing on where he’d like to take Wolvie on his next epic adventure — both in terms of story and location.
“I won’t lie to you, I have been talking to writers,” Jackman told MTV News. “I’m a big fan of the Japanese saga in the comic book.”
“However, it was also another one of my goals that you could see the end of this movie parlaying straight into ['X-Men'], finding that guy in the bar, fighting, drinking, with not much recollection of what’s going on,” added Jackman. “I thought that was important. However, we’ll find out beginning of May if there’s still an audience for it, if people still like the character. There’s no point in telling the story if no one wants to hear it.”
Clearly, Jackman’s not one to change his mind, as this isn’t the first time he’s mentioned to MTV his desire to take Wolverine to Japan. However, for those fans out there who think he’s simply parlaying his successful run as Wolverine into an extended vacation to the Japanese countryside, the actor makes it quite apparent that he definitely knows his Wolverine.
“There are so many areas of that Japanese story,” Jackman explained. “I love the idea of this kind of anarchic character, the outsider, being in this world — I can see it aesthetically, too — full of honor and tradition and customs and someone who’s really anti-all of that, and trying to negotiate his way. The idea of the samurai, too — and the tradition there. It’s really great. In the comic book he gets his ass kicked by a couple of samurai — not even mutants. He’s shocked by that at first.”
But it ain’t all cool samurai fights that have Jackman interested.
“There’s also a great, very intricate story there with Mariko,” hinted Jackman in reference to one of Wolverine’s lost loves. “And so many cool ways we could go.”
Do you agree with Jackman that Wolverine should go to Japan if there’s a sequel? Or is there another era from the comic books that you’d like to see make its way to the screen? Let’s hear it in the comments.
SR Picks [Video]: Wolverine Leaked (The Musical Version) - Screen Rant
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Did you like Hugh Jackman hosting this year’s Academy Awards presentation? Do you like his on-stage Broadway musical acts? Do you like seeing the Australian stud in his iconic role as the feisty mutant, Wolverine?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any or all of these things, we have something for you.
For this SR Pick we have a little parody of the Hollywood nice guy, Hugh Jackman, doing the two things he’s best at: playing Wolverine and a little theatrical song and dance.
Watch and enjoy:
A little slow at first but it picks up.
What do you think?
X-Men Origins: Wolverine opens this Friday, May 1st.
Wolverine Reviews And The Early Critical Consensus
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“X2 more or less covered the same ground in a matter of seconds, as opposed to 107 minutes that feel like almost as many hours.” - Robert Wilonsky, Dallas Observer.
“It's packed with nonstop action, has cutting-edge special effects and stunt work, terrific cinematography (by Donald McAlpine) and beautiful locations, and is tautly directed by Gavin Hood.” - Lou Lemenick, NY Post
“Can everyone stop making moody origin stories now, please?” - Nick de Semlyen, Empire
“Wolverine is a story on a straight and simple trajectory, landing a lot of rungs below Singer's tales but a notch above the mutant muddle Brett Ratner made of the trilogy's finale.” - David Germain, AP
“Jackman invests his fierce character with a cheeky attitude, clear-eyed intelligence and inherent decency, compelling viewers to care about his metamorphosis.” - Claudia Puig
For more, click the link above.
Hugh Jackman's dancing dreams dashed
Hugh Jackman quit dancing so people wouldn't think he was gay.
The 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' star wanted to be a dancer when he was a child, but gave up the hobby when his older brother accused him of being homosexual.
The 40-year-old actor said: "In another world, another life, probably growing up in another country, I might have been more of a dancer. In fact I was going down that road when I was about 12.
Need To Know: A Virgin’s Guide To Wolverine
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Not everyone is a huge comic nerd, and when a blockbuster like Wolverine comes around it’s a sure bet that most of the audience goes into it knowing almost nothing about the world they’re stepping in to. Almost none of them will have read the comics and a few won’t have even have seen any of the X-Men films (in the case of the third one, consider yourselves lucky). We’re here to help, by answering the questions you might walk out with, before you walk in.
This is our guide to what non-nerds need to know before seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It may not all make sense now, but by the time the credits roll it all fits together. Sure you may enjoy the movie even without this information, but it can’t hurt to go in armed with a little knowledge to impress your friends. Don’t worry, we’ll keep it spoiler free.
'Wolverine' Could Sink Its Claws Into $100M
Written by: Lauren Horwitch.
It’ll take more than a swine flu scare to keep audiences away from “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” opening in 4,000 theaters this weekend.
The Fox prequel -- the first in a coming onslaught of summer tentpoles including “Star Trek” (May 8) and “Angels and Demons” (May 15) -- is a shoo-in for No. 1. The question is, how big will it be?
According to Marketcast tracking data published in Ad Age last week, “Wolverine” is on track to hit $100 million this weekend, which would make it the biggest opening of 2009 so far. This year's current box-office champion is "Fast & Furious" which opened on April 5 with $72.5 million.
Fandango says that by 5 p.m. Wednesday, 65 percent of its ticket sales were “Wolverine,” and reported Wednesday afternoon that 200 screenings of “Wolverine” already had sold out -- over a quarter of which are for midnight shows on Thursday.
By comparison, Marketcast predicted “Trek” will open with about $50 million.
Indeed, $100 million doesn’t seem unreasonable, considering 2006’s “X-Men: the Last Stand” made $123 million on its opening four-day weekend and “X2” scored 85.6 million in 2003. The three previous “X-Men” films have made more than $1.16 billion worldwide. Fox is already developing an “origins” prequel about Ian McKellen’s character Magneto and other X-Men.
Still, Fox senior VP and general sales manager Chris Aronson is hedging his bets -- he told TheWrap that the studio doesn’t think “Wolverine” will hit $100 million. “That’s not what we’re expecting in a million years,” he said. “If we can gross $70 million or over, it would be fantastic. The expectation bar has to be set at a realistic place. It’s a spin-off of a movie that’s been sequelized twice.”
Marketcast’s report indicated that women under 24 could be a key factor in “Wolverine’s” success -- 38 percent of women in that age group said they have a “definite interest” in seeing Jackman as Wolverine for the fourth time, while only 18 percent expressed interest in seeing “Trek.”
Marvel Super Heroes: What The--?! Episode Two
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Wolverine and Batman
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Stick around after the ‘Wolverine’ Credits
Written by: Brad Brevet.
It has already been reported Fox’s release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine will have multiple secret “endings” as different prints have different footage, but I don’t think it was made explicitly clear these endings are the after the credit footage and not the actual end of the movie, which means it is sort of cool, but not entirely.
USA Today reports the news saying Wolverine has two different “Easter egg” endings. The short bits of footage play after the credits and reveal important information about key characters. Hood says the two endings play on separate prints, so different theaters may show different footage.
Apparently the version that leaked online has a different ending than the one that was recently screened for critics. I am heading out to see Wolverine in the next hour and I guess this means I get to sit through the black-and-white scrawl just to see what 30 second tidbit is left for me.
Personally I couldn’t care less about these things and should you miss them I expect both will be on the DVD/Blu-ray release which will most likely hit DVD shelves in the not too distant future.
Liev Schreiber talks X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Written by: Craig Sharp
I remember when Liev Schreiber was first announced as Sabretooth in X-Men Origins: Wolverine (released in the UK today), there was a slightly unenthusiastic stirring amongst fanboys to put it mildly.
I, on the other hand breathed a huge sigh of relief. The thought that such a talented actor as Schreiber had been chosen to flesh out a character that was only alluded to in the first "X-Men" was far more important to me than height, weight - or blonde hair!
In an interview with CanMag, Schreiber addressed his own concerns about the part, as well as his past experiences working with Hugh Jackman:
"Something like 12 years ago, Hugh and I did a film together and, believe it or not, I think I actually was bigger than Hugh, in those days," Schreiber said. "Things have changed, over the years, and he’s grown substantially, as an actor and as a human being, in general."Once the Jackman flattery had been dispensed with, Schreiber began to talk about his own self-expectations and the weight of the fans' own opinions regarding a role as big as classic X-Men villain Sabretooth:
"So the first agenda was getting bigger. I made the awful mistake of going online to see what the fans thought and, of course, they said, ‘You need to get bigger.’ So I started working out with Hugh and doing the high-protein diet. Between the two of us, I think we wiped out a whole gene pool of chickens. I know people think that it’s a departure for me, but I don’t really. I feel right at home with that sibling rivalry thing with Hugh. It was a lot of fun."Speaking of sibling rivalry, a similar relationship was developing off screen if Schreiber is to be believed:
"They said, ‘Would you guys like to do one more?’ and I remember looking across at Hugh, praying to myself that he would say, ‘I’m tired. I want to go home and go to bed.’ And, Hugh said, ‘No, I feel great!’ And I looked across at him and said, ‘Yeah, I feel great, too.’ They looked at Hugh and said, ‘One more?’ and Hugh said, ‘No, I could do two more!’ So I said, ‘Yeah, I could probably do three or four more!’ And that was my sole motivation for the rest of this entire film."Based on the footage I've seen, I'd say Schreiber does a sterling job as Sabretooth. I've seen the bar fight in question, and the on-screen rivalry between the two characters is almost tangible, despite what some early reviews might say. What critics seem to be forgetting is that this is no longer an adaptation of a comic book series. Whether people like it or not, this film happens in the X-Men film universe, and as such it has to tie in as best as it can, working with the tools it's been left with.
"Early on in the film, we were shooting in New Zealand and it was the first big fight sequence for Hugh and I, which was outside of the bar. Hugh and I had rehearsed, day and night, for that. I’ll admit and be candid that I wasn’t sure that, physically, I was up to this role. Now, I know I am, but initially, I was a little concerned. I’m sorry to say this in public, but Hugh and I, being the elder statesmen of this cast, were both rightfully concerned that we wouldn’t be able to pull off the fight that the stunt guys had shown us. Sure, we’d been lifting weights and we looked large, but what they were asking for was truly impossible and brutal. I just remember the third night, after shooting until six in the morning, every night, looking over at Hugh and the two of us were just so smashed up by the fight, and desperate to impress our small sons at home."
Under the circumstances, director Gavin Hood and the cast have done a sterling job, and that's coming from a true X-Men fan. And thankfully, despite the gruelling routines that Schreiber and Hugh Jackman were put under during filming, Sabretooth never seems to have gone home with the actor at the end of the day:
"I’ve never been someone who takes characters home with me, at night. The claws and the teeth came off. Unfortunately, the sideburns didn’t. But, I’ve never really had a problem with that. Also, particularly in my case, I was playing anger, which is a relatively easy emotion to access. I know you’re all thinking, ‘Oh, he’s an angry guy!’ No. It’s easy for everyone. It’s a much easier emotion than love."X-Men Origins: Wolverine hits theatres in the UK tonight, and in the US on 1st May 2009.
Jackman Orders Breakfast For Film Fans
Hugh Jackman rewarded hundreds of fans camping overnight to see him at the world premiere of X-men Origins: Wolverine by surprising them all with breakfast.
Followers in Tempe, Arizona won the chance to host the red carpet extravaganza in their desert city after claiming the most votes in an online poll, which Jackman launched himself.
Throngs of Tempe residents proved their dedication when they lined up outside the Tempe Marketplace on Sunday - a day before Jackman arrived for the premiere on a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
And the generous actor decided to treat the crowd - by personally placing a call to a local cafe and ordering a breakfast of coffee and pastries for 800 people.
Paradise Bakery's assistant manager Arianna Arroyo says, "We were so surprised and amazed by the gesture, and I was thinking what a big challenge it would be to get everything done over.
"They were thrilled and really excited because they didn't expect something like that. People had made posters, were screaming at the media and it was so awesome to see.
"There are a lot of people waiting to just see him and it's pretty amazing what is happening out there just for one man."
'Wolverine' Interviews with Lynn Collins and Will.I.Am
We've got a little more video from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine premiere. You don't get a lot of time with the actors when they're walking the red carpet and stuff, and in this case, because there was not only a lot of local media to oblige as well as thousands of fans that Hugh Jackman and everyone else wanted to spend some time with, our available time with each cast member was pretty brief.
But we did manage to corral Lynn Collins, who plays Wolverine's love interest, Kayla Silverfox. Over the weekend, it was reported that there are multiple endings to the film, so we thought we'd address that subject with her:
'Wolverine' Premiere - Lynn Collins from Colin Boyd on Vimeo.
Now the phrase "multiple endings" isn't exactly accurate; the film won't have different conclusions to Wolverine's story. What you can expect is different Easter eggs planted in the closing credits of the movie. The one I saw looked pretty important, though.
We also tracked down the very personable Will.I.Am from the Black Eyed Peas, who is kinda sorta making his film debut in Wolverine. He was a voice in last year's Madagascar movie, but in terms of being on the set everyday and interacting with the other cast members, this is a first for him.
'Wolverine' Premiere - Will.I.Am from Colin Boyd on Vimeo.
Ten Things You Never Knew About Hugh Jackman
Written by: Alex Fletcher
Muscle-bound thespian Hugh Jackman returns to the big screen this week for his fourth outing as Marvel superhero Wolverine. The Aussie, who has also scored blockbuster success with Australia, Van Helsing and The Prestige, will be getting his claws out and heading for a scrap in X-Men Origins: Wolverine from April 29. But how much do you actually know about the bloke behind those fuzzy sideburns? Read on for ten intriguing facts about the 40-year-old that you probably never knew.
1. Jackman was born on October 12, 1968 in Sydney to dad Chris and mum Grace. He is the youngest of five siblings, with two brothers and two sisters.
2. The muscular leading man turned down the chance to appear alongside Harold, Lou and Madge in legendary Aussie soap Neighbours in 1991, choosing instead to study at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts. We reckon Hugh probably made the right decision in the long run.
3. A hit with the ladies, Hugh made People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People In The World list for five years in a row between 2000 and 2004.
4. Before becoming a glamorous Hollywood A-lister, Hugh had to slum it like the rest of us with bizarre part-time jobs to fund studying. At one point he even worked in a clown double act called Coco and Bozo, who used to climb in dustbins and throw eggs at each other.
5. Jackman almost didn't land his most famous role as Wolverine. Dougray Scott was initially pencilled in for the film, but had to pull out because of commitment to Mission Impossible II.
6. During his youth, Hugh was forced to work in a gas station for extra cash. He only decided to give the $10-an-hour job up when a co-worker was held up with a shotgun.
7. Never let it be said that Hugh doesn't throw himself into his stunts. During filming for X-Men Jackman injured his testicles in a harness while attempting a six-foot jump off a mock-up Statue of Liberty.
8. Jackman's charisma and good looks don't just please audiences - his co-stars love him as well! "The love he radiates is sublime," says Ashley Judd. "He's the perfect man," claims Rebecca Romjin. Meanwhile, Maureen Lipmann adds: "Women, men, children and dogs completely go to pieces when Hugh takes his shirt off."
9. However, Hugh isn't quite the perfect man - he suffers from being near-sighted. When hosting live shows (Saturday Night Live, The Tonys), Jackman often has to memorise whole scripts because he can't read from an autocue.
10. One of Hugh Jackman's more unusual celebrity friends is media mogul Rupert Murdoch. "[Rupert] is a real family man - he's always incredibly interested in my kids and we hung out at his place on Boxing Day," revealed Hugh. We bet he gets free Sky subscription as well, the lucky bleeder.
Fashion fix of the week: Wolverine's leather jacket look from X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2008 was packed full of well-dressed action heroes, from Tony Stark in Iron Man, Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight through to some chap called Bond in Quantum of Solace and now with the summer season of blockbusters kicking off today with X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 2009 welcomes its first stylish cinematic saviour – Wolverine. Played by rugged Aussie hunk Hugh Jackman, it’s Wolverine’s fourth big screen outing, yet this time he’s not sharing the limelight with those other X-Men, instead he’s taking centre stage. Not that everything’s changed; he’s still got those metallic claws, that berserker rage and that cool leather jacket look…
Emulating the style of Wolverine has become a hobby for many fans since 2000’s X-Men and long-time devotees will be able to wax lyrical about the slight changes introduced to what is essentially a staple look – that of boots, jeans, belt, vest and jacket. The leather jacket has been the primary source of discussion, having undergone discreet revisions over the films and it’s considered that the one seen this time is a hybrid of those from X1 and X3. We’ve found a great replica from Wested Leather that has the stripes on both the lower body and arms, is dark brown in colour and is zipped with a round collar. At only £135 and available in five sizes, this is a great starting point for any aspiring Wolverine.
Worn under the jacket is a ribbed white vest – just perfect for showing off Jackman’s chiselled physique. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly costume designer Louise Mingenbach revealed that she chose to dress Hugh in “Richelieu” ribbed tanks by Zimmerli. This crisp item from the swanky Swiss brand got the vote as Mingenbach liked their “traditional look”. We’ve found these for sale at the rather movie star price of $77 each from A pricey addition, but simply indispensable for the whole look.
Added to the jacket and vest are the slim, dark blue denim jeans. We’ve chosen a lookalike courtesy of Levi’s – the 506 beloved for their hard-wearing but stylish quality. To finish the top-to-toe look are some boots. We love the Rockwood steel toe cap ones that at a budget-friendly £25 help you recoup some of the expense of the vest.
Lastly is this oak leaf leather belt and accompanying Indian head buckle from top replica store Magnoli that adds that touch of meaty gristle. Now simply brandish your metallic claws and give into the beast within!
Get Wolverine’s Leather Jacket Look.
Naomi Watts & Liev Schreiber's Son Briefly Hospitalized
Written by: Elizabeth Leonard.
Liev Schreiber had a good reason for missing Tuesday's Los Angeles premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine: His 21-month-old son, Sasha, was sick, PEOPLE has learned exclusively.
Schreiber, who plays Sabretooth in the film, immediately flew from L.A. to New York to be with his partner, Naomi Watts, and their two children.
Sasha, who was hospitalized overnight for respiratory issues, was released Wednesday morning.
"Sasha got home today and is feeling much better after being hospitalized on Tuesday night with respiratory problems," Schreiber's rep Ina Treciokas tells PEOPLE.
Hugh Jackman & 'X-Men' Stars Take Over Hollywood
"The Insider" was in Hollywood on Tuesday night with Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ryan Reynolds, and at the premiere of the highly anticipated 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine.' The stars tell "The Insider" about working on the film and Hugh opens up about his karaoke jam session with 'Twilight' hunk Robert Pattinson!
"That guy has got a voice on him, there's an album coming," Hugh says about the multi-talented young heartthrob. "If he wants to do it, there's an album coming."
'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' is the first chapter in the 'X-Men' saga, and unites Wolverine with several other legends of the mutant universe.
Ryan Reynolds tells "The Insider" that his role as Deadpool is one he has wanted to play for a long time.
"It means a lot to me to be able to do different types of genres and to not be stuck in one area," Ryan says. "I've wanted to play the Deadpool character for 9 years, so getting to do it in this setting is unbelievable -- when all the pressure is on Hugh."
Watch the video for more action from the premiere and to hear Hugh's message to Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick. Plus Kelsey Grammar shares his memories of Bea Arthur.
'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' hits theaters this Friday.
Hugh Jackman is keeping secrets
Written by: April MacIntyre
Hugh Jackmanis keeping secrets.
“We all know a lot about each other. We could ruin each other’s career, ” said Jackman to Extra about his friend Nicole Kidman.
Hugh Jackmann bulked up for his role in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and admits that his ultra lean physique is working wonders in the bedroom.
Blu-Ray Review: HD ‘X-Men Trilogy’ Primes Fans For First Big Summer Movie
Written by: Brian Tallerico

Blu-Ray Rating: 3.5/5.0
Very few franchises have been robust enough to support four films in the new millennium. With “X-Men,” “X2: X-Men United,” “X-Men: The Last Stand,” and this week’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” this has been easily one of the most successful franchises of the ’00s (only Harry Potter, “Saw,” and “Fast & Furious” have had as many theatrical releases.) The three films in this set have made over $1.1 billion worldwide.
Knowing the rabid fan base of the franchise, Twentieth Century Fox has released a very complete set. Want special features? There are hours of them. Digital copies? There’s one for each film. And each film is presented in HD for the first time (the first and third film are presented in 2.40:1 with the middle film in 2.35:1). All three films are accompanied by 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio English tracks and 5.1 Dolby Digital tracks in Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
Sadly, Fox continues to underwhelm in the technical departments. “X-Men” looks older than it should with the picture often coming across much flatter than an average Blu-Ray. The picture simply doesn’t pop like it should, something I’ve noted far-too-often with recent Fox releases (although, to be fair, not all of them). Ultimately, “X-Men Trilogy” should look amazing and it looks (and sounds) merely average.
What is amazing is the collection of special features for all three films. They’re as informative and exhaustive as a fan could possibly ask for. There’s clearly no more material left on the cutting room floor and until the cast and crew gets together in decades for an anniversary edition, there are no more interviews or behind-the-scenes details to provide.
The first disc of special features on “X-Men” - Commentary by Bryan Singer and Brian Peck, Behind-the-Scenes Footage, Deleted/Extended Scenes with Optional Commentary by Bryan Singer and Brian Peck, Fox Special: “The Mutant Watch,” Bryan Singer Interview, Animatics, Art Gallery, Three TV Spots, Music Promo, BD-Live: Wolverine Exclusive, and HD Marvel
Universe Trailers.
The second disc of special features on “X-Men” - Disc Intro by Bryan Singer, The Uncanny Suspects, X-Factor: The Look of the X-Men, Image Gallery, Production Documentary Scrapbook, The Special Effects of the X-Men, Reflection of the X-Men, Marketing the X-Men, TV Spots, and Internet Interstitials.
The first disc of special features on “X2: X-Men United” - Commentary by Bryan Singer and Tom Sigel, Commentary by Lauren Shuler Donner, Ralph Winter, Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris and David Hayter, Generation X: Comic Book History, BD-Live: Wolverine Exclusive, and HD Marvel Universe Trailers.
The second disc of special features on “X2: X-Men United” - History of the X-Men, Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, Deleted Scenes, Galleries, Locations and Sets, On-Camera Graphics, The Unseen X2, and Three HD Trailers.
The first disc of special features on “X-Men: The Last Stand” - Director and Writer Commentary by Brett Ratner, Zack Penn and Simon Kinberg, Producer Commentary by Avi Arad, Lauren Shuler Donner and Ralph Winter, HD Deleted Scenes (Optional Director and Writer Commentary by Brett Ratner, Zack Penn and Simon Kinberg), HD Easter Eggs, BD-Live: Wolverine Exclusive, and HD Marvel Universe Trailers.
The second disc of special features fon “X-Men: The Last Stand” - Brett Ratner’s Production Diary, X-Men: Evolution of a Trilogy, X-Men Up Close - Interactive gallery with stills and video, Generation X: Comic Book History, Fox Movie Channel
Presents: Life After Film School, Fox Movie Channel Presents: Casting Session, X3: The Excitement Continues in HD, Anatomy of a Scene: Golden Gate Bridge in HD, HD Vignettes, HD Blogs, Previz Animatics, Galleries, Easter Egg, and Three HD Trailers.
‘X-Men Trilogy’ is released by Twentieth Century Fox and stars Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin, Halle Berry, James Marsden, Alan Cumming, Famke Janssen, Rebecca Romijn, Bruce Davison, Brian Cox, Kelsey Grammer, and Vinnie Jones. “X-Men” was written by David Hayter and directed by Bryan Singer. “X2: X-Men United” was written by Zak Penn and Hayter & Singer and directed by Singer. “X-Men: The Last Stand” was written by Simon Kinberg & Penn and directed by Brett Ratner. “X-Men Trilogy” was released on April 21st, 2009. All three films are rated PG-13.