Saturday, 4 April 2009
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How is Fox News’ Roger Friedman Not Fined for Reviewing Wolverine?
Earlier today on my Twitter account I wrote, “I am confused as to how people can download Wolverine, review it and not be prosecuted as thieves. Am I missing something here?” This comment was in response to the fact Roger Friedman of wrote up a piece headlined “Wolverine’s Big Surprises: Some Revealed”.
Clicking over to the site now all you get is an article about the series finale of the CBS soap “Guiding Light”, but thanks to the wonders of the Internet and Google’s caching system we can all see proof this actually happened. The piece begins:
Yes, I’ve seen “X Men Origins: Wolverine.” It wasn’t at a screening, either. I found a work in progress print of it, 95 percent completed, on the internet last night. Let’s hope by now it’s gone.
Obviously I have no idea how Friedman obtained his copy of Wolverine and I am not a lawyer so I don’t know if there is a difference between downloading a torrent file of a bootlegged movie to your computer or streaming it directly in your browser (even though some streams are downloaded to your computer as well). Perhaps Friedman shouldn’t be fined or prosecuted as a thief for watching Wolverine, but considering he has just admitted to somehow obtaining a copy I would think an investigation should be in order.
FoxNews Illegally Downloads "Wolverine" and Reviews It
20th Century Fox is working alongside the MPAA and the FBI to track down the person responsible for leaking an early cut of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," which could potentially cost the studio millions.
So while the search continues, FoxNews' reporter Roger Friedman downloaded himself a copy and reviewed the film on the website. Here is an excerpt:
"Right now, my 'cousins' at 20th Century Fox are probably having apoplexy. I doubt anyone else has seen this film. But everyone can relax. I am, in fact, amazed about how great 'Wolverine' turned out. It exceeds expectations at every turn. I was completely riveted to my desk chair in front of my computer."
So according to Friedman, 20th Century Fox has nothing to worry about since he thinks it's a good movie. Too bad Fox doesn't feel the same way. The studio released the following statement:
"We've just been made aware that Roger Friedman, a free-lance columnist who writes Fox 411 on — an entirely separate company from 20th Century Fox — watched on the Internet and reviewed a stolen and unfinished version of 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine.' This behavior is reprehensible, and we condemn this act categorically — whether the review is good or bad."
20th Century Fox has taken down Friedman's review. There is currently no word on whether he will end up losing his job over this or get sued.
FBI and MPAA Step Up "Wolverine" Leak Investigation
20th Century Fox has determined that the copy of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" that leaked online this week was a roughly month-old work print. The leaked copy was digital rather than film, making it more difficult to trace, but The Wrap is reporting that the studio's investigators and the MPAA are "chasing at least a half-dozen leads." The FBI is also on the case.
Given the quality of the leaked print, the focus of the investigation is reportedly on the third-party vendors (special effects firms, reproduction houses, trailer companies) that the studios send their movies to for post-production work, although it hasn't been determined yet how many vendors had access to a full digital copy of the film.
A stamp for special effects company Rising Sun Pictures was on the leaked print, but the company's chairman issued a statement saying "neither RSP or its staff members have ever been in possession of a full-length version, so it would have been impossible for the movie to have been leaked from here."
Twentieth Century Fox chairman Tom Rothman told Entertainment Weekly [via IGN]: "We, like everybody, thought our system was secure. ... Just like I'm sure there are lots of banks that get robbed that thought their vault was safe. We thought the post-production pipeline was secure at every juncture. But, obviously, it's self-evident that it wasn't. I have a high level of confidence we'll find out where the lapse in security was and we'll bring the perpetrators to justice."
Open Forum Friday: Does Piracy Actually Hurt a Film Financially?
So, first things first… a DVD-quality workprint of X-Men Origins: Wolverine was leaked to file-sharing sites earlier this week, making it perhaps the highest profile movie ever to be leaked online ahead of its release date — nearly a month before, no less. This has sent shockwaves throughout the industry, with Fox scrambling to find out how such a thing could have slipped out, and a lot of people from the press and the blogosphere arguing about whether or not it is appropriate to run news stories about the leak, much less download it and review it.
Fanboys Boycotting Wolverine in the Wild
Forget Magneto, Sabretooth and Mystique. Wolverine's real nemesis is a bit geekier and harder to track down.
The FBI, Motion Picture Association of American and 20th Century Fox are continuing their probes into who exactly leaked a rough cut of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, vowing to go all out to find the perp and prosecute that person "to the fullest extent of the law."
The unfinished version of the prequel, dated March 2 and imprinted with the name Rising Sun Pictures, an Australian visual effects company doing work on the film, surfaced earlier this week, sending Fox into damage-control mode to minimize the leak's impact on the film's box office. Wolverine is set to open May 1.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Australian Effects Company Denies Wolverine Leak
Officials at an Australian visual effects company have denied responsibility for the leak of the new X-men prequel, which found its way onto the Internet this week (beg30Mar09) - a month before it is due to hit cinemas.
Bosses at the 20th Century Fox film studio were furious when a full-length print of X-Men Origins: Wolverine began appearing illegally on websites on Tuesday night.
Studio executives took immediate action to remove the Hugh Jackman picture from the web, vowing to force prosecution on the culprit.
And attention subsequently turned to Aussie special effects firm Rising Sun Pictures, whose company logo appears in a caption a few minutes into the leaked copy.
But Rising Sun chairman and co-founder Tony Clark has now come forward to distance his company from the Internet mishap, insisting that although his employees did work on the picture, it is not possible for them to put the entire content online.
He says in a statement, "As we worked on individual sequences within the film, neither Rising Sun Pictures or its staff members have ever been in possession of a full-length version, so it would have been impossible for the movie to have been leaked from here."
Detectives at America's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are currently looking into the case.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine is due for release in May.
Competition: Win Twilight goodies or a Wolverine video game!
Spring is in the air and so to celebrate this sparkly new season full of flowers and showers, we’re kicking off our April competition. Last month we enjoyed the costumed heroes of Watchmen with a goodie bag of novelties inspired by the graphic novel adaptation, but this month we’re doing things a little differently. We’re not easing up on the fun factor, instead we’re offering the choice of prize with two fantastic options for you to muse over – a treasure trove of Twilight delights or wrap your metallic claws around the video game of Hugh Jackman actioner X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And all you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is sign up to Boxwish, or if already a member log-in. Click over for more…
Free Wolverine T-shirt with the latest Total Film issue
The latest issue of Total Film magazine is out in shops now (see our e-zine preview) and WH Smith shops are giving away commemorative Wolverine T-shirts to mark the occasion.
To get your free shirt with a copy of Total Film, visit one of the following stores. Be warned though, there are limited quantities and the offer is a first-come-first-served basis, so you should go right now.
Or after you’ve finished reading, obviously.
Let’s Finally Address the Leaking of ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’
When news first broke of Fox’s upcoming May 1 summer tent pole X-Men Origins: Wolverine leaking online it was April Fools Day and most sites were posting one or two spoof stories so I wasn’t immediately positive it was true. Of course, the story made all the major dailies as well as television news programs and was obviously not a joke. The news was coming fast and furious, and I decided to just let it all die down and see how the dust settled. Well, the dust certainly hasn’t settled as stories continue to surface claiming exclusive news and interviews with those in the know.
Entertainment Weekly just ran an interview with Tom Rothman, chairman of Twentieth Century Fox, in which he says, “The version that went out is unfinished. It’s about 10 minutes shorter, doesn’t have key scenes, it wasn’t edited, and none of the effects shots were in any remotely final form,” Rothman tells EW. “It’s a complete misrepresentation of the film and is deeply unfair to the people who have worked on it for years.”
Another New X-Men Origins Wolverine Movie Poster

Check out this killer new movie poster from the upcoming film “X-Men
Click Here for more photos, news and videos from “
Synopsis: The mutant known as Wolverine breaks off into his off spin-off film from the successful X-MEN! franchise. Hugh Jackman (X1, X2, Van Helsing) returns as Logan/ Wolverine-A mutant with regenerative powers, three claws on each hand and a skeleton all laced with the rare metal known as adamantium. Logan struggles to find the secrets to his past. After learning little information through the help of Charles Xavier (X2’s Patrick Stewart), Logan takes his search even further by learning the full truth of his origin, while also heading in a bold, new direction.
Ryan Reynolds talks 'Adventureland,' 'Wolverine'
t's been more than 10 years since Ryan Reynolds had what was probably his breakout role in the sitcom "Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place." Since that time, he's appeared in at least 20 film and television projects, some of which were solid hits, but it's hard to pinpoint a defining role for the 32-year-old actor.
Is he the quintessential frat boy who starred in "Van Wilder"? Is he the bearded action star from "Blade: Trinity"? Is he the romantic-comedy Everyman from "Just Friends" or "Definitely Maybe"?
"I get a little cooked doing the same thing over and over," Reynolds tells reporters at the junket for this Friday's (April 3) coming-of-age dramedy "Adventureland." "A lot of people do. The ultimate dream is to be able to do multiple genres and still function properly in those. I love it. I feel fortunate that I'm able to go from genre to genre."
It's beginning to look like 2009 could be a big year for Reynolds, with "Adventureland" opening this month, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" coming out in May and "The Proposal" hitting theaters this summer. While many actors of Reynolds' profile would only be looking at starring vehicles, "The Proposal" is his only lead role of the group.
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Film Bosses Furious About Jackman Film Leak
Film bosses at 20th Century Fox have threatened to get tough with anyone who posts a stolen version of Hugh Jackman's new movie X-men Origins: Wolverine online.
The executives have confirmed reports an incomplete print of the new action film was stolen on Tuesday night - and posted illegally on websites.
A statement from the studio reads, "It was without many effects and had missing scenes and temporary sound and music. We immediately contacted the appropriate legal authorities and had it removed.
"We forensically mark our content so we can identify sources that make it available or download it. The source of the initial leak and any subsequent postings will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
"The FBI and MPAA are also actively investigating the crime. We are encouraged by the support of fan sites condemning piracy and this illegal posting and pointing out that such theft undermines the enormous efforts of the filmmakers and actors and, above all, hurts fans of the film."
Reactions from People who have seen the leaked movie
The version of the film that was leaked is missing effects, music and sound, it's roughly edited and there's apparantly about 15 minutes of footage that's not included. So if you want to see the film the way it was meant to be seen, wait till it hits theatres.
I figured I'd share some of the reactions to the film from those who have seen the leaked version. Collected from around the web.
"It's a complete version of the movie (though I heard that this still lacks roughly 14 minutes more than expected final release), there are still a lot of work to do... erasing those ropes and harnesses and adding a lot of CGs and FX... especially in the final part. [...] I know for sure, even after watching this, I would still go to the theater on the first day of showing. There's nothing better than to see the sexiness that is Gambit in his full larger-than-life awesomeness. ♥♥♥♥ And yay! His total scenes seems like it's more than the rumored 3 minutes I've heard."
"(Please, keep in mind that it's a workprint, so things will probably be different at some points when the film is finally released. Editing, CGI, etc.) The site I got it from said that some of the effects aren't complete (plane isn't rendered, etc) and it may not include any of the scenes that have been reshot. (I don't know which those are, but WHATEVER).. Some of the editing seems a bit rough, too."
"The quality is actually pretty decent. Before you watch this release, do consider the fact that it is an INCOMPLETE VERSION OF THE MOVIE! If you need the full experience of the film, then wait for the theatrical version. There are green screens and wires attached to actors and so on still visible in this workprint. Some CGI is also incomplete, such as backgrounds and cgi models."
"I have already seen terrible reviews of the movie from people who've watched this copy, which is kind of stupid since it's not even the finished product. Personally, I'm going to wait to see it in theaters; I downloaded this to compare it to the theater version when I see it on May 1st."
"It's not nearly as good as either of Bryan Singer's films, but it's certainly better than X3. Good memorable action sequences."
"A suprisingly great film, I enjoyed it a whole lot. TONS better than X-Men 1 and 3, not as good as 2 though I reckon. One of the better comic book movies out there."
Mixed reactions, but that is based on an unfinished product. My review will be up once I've seen it in the theatre next month.
Wolverine Premiere Set For Small Town America
Small town America will get the chance to host the upcoming X-men Origins: Wolverine movie premiere as part of a new competition.
The place winning the most votes in a new online poll will get to host the film's star Hugh Jackman and his castmates - and the screening before the film is released in cinemas in May.
Fans are being asked to visit the film's official website and vote for their town - the place with the most votes wins.
And Jackman thinks it's a great idea: "These movies are for fans... and I just think what better way to kinda say thank you.
"I hope we go to some place I've never been in my life before."
The premiere is set for 27 April and the winning town will be announced the week before.
I think if you just go to, it might take you a while to find the map. Here's the real link, so put a vote down for your hometown.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
A Girl's Guide to the Top 5 Comic Book Movie Hero Hotties
You men. You love watching those thinly clad Super Heroines kick, twirl, and punch the bad guys, don't you? The less pleather, the better. Am I right? So I'm here to tell you to enjoy your slinky Catwoman and your rugged Lara Crofts. We ladies (and some men) are perfectly content to watch these five hero hotties for as long as it takes for you to realize that Halle Berry is never going to call you.
Monday, 30 March 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Soundtrack info
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Music Composed by Harry Gregson-Williams
X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE, the first chapter in the X-MEN saga, unites Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) with several other legends of the X-MEN universe, in an epic revolution that pits the mutants against powerful forces determined to eliminate them.
The X-MEN series has already generated more than $600 million at the U.S. box office — and each film has been more successful than the last. X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE is destined to be one of the big blockbusters of the summer movie season.
The X-MEN ORIGINS saga kicks off with an epic symphonic score by Harry Gregson-Williams (The Chronicles Of Narnia, Kingdom Of Heaven, Man On Fire).
20th Century Fox opens X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE nationwide on May 1.
Varèse Sarabande Catalog #: 302 066 967 2
Release Date: 04/28/09
XMF hosting Wolverine Pre-Release Chat
X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE roars into theaters world-wide May 1st! Join XMF in a pre-release live chat party! We will be discussing all things Wolverine, and be giving out some special prizes to some of our visitors!
The chat begins on Sunday April 26th, at 3:30 pm (US - Eastern), 2:30 pm (US - Central), 12:30 pm (US - Western)! For XMF visitors overseas, please convert times for your timecode.
There will also be a post-release chat after Wolverine smashes all competition in theaters! Dates and times for that have not been set yet, so stay tuned!
Monaghan’s Wolverine Role
In released press notes for X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE (thanks Rac), 20th Century Fox confirms that Dominic Monaghan is not playing Barnell/Beak, but a charcter named Bradley, who can manipulate electricity. In the comics, the character is Chris Bradley, who goes by the aliases of ‘Bolt’ and ‘Maverick II.’
Team X member Bradley, portrayed by Dominic Monaghan (“Lost,” “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy) can control and manipulate electricity. He’s a haunting figure, having gone into hiding as a circus sideshow attraction. “When we meet Bradley in the film, he’s kind of fallen off the grid,” says Monaghan. “With Team X, he was a guerrilla soldier, but when things got out of hand, and he saw things he didn’t want to see, he left the unit.”
Kids Choice Awards
Eighht New 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' Pictures
Click the pictures for bigger versions. HQ-stills can be found over at XMF.