Saturday, 25 April 2009
Wolverine Combats Piracy By Becoming Clue
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Fox has come up with a new way to combat the pirating of Wolverine: They’re turning it into Clue. Director Gavin Hood recently announced at a screening attended by First Showing that they’ve hidden multiple endings to the movie on different prints. So where you see it, may drastically alter exactly how the movie ends.
Secret endings after the credits is nothing new, that’s become a staple in Marvel’s superhero films for instance. Multiple endings though, is significantly more drastic. There’s a reason it hasn’t been tried in a long time. It’s not like it worked all that well for Clue which, while regarded as a cult classic now, at the time was kind of a flop. At least with Clue it was warranted. It’s a mystery movie after all, based on a board game which had multiple endings. The multiple endings bit was part of the whole experience, this is just a blatant gimmick.
Still, for fans who may have illegally pirated the movie on their computer, it’s one more reason to shell out money at a movie theater, more than once if Fox has their druthers. I still say Fox is overreacting. Most people who pirate movies don’t buy movie tickets anyway. With or without gimmicks I don’t see piracy having much of an impact on Wolverine’s box office. At least now Fox has a built in excuse if it fails. They can’t lose.
Friday, 24 April 2009
Schreiber Almost Killed In Surfing Accident
Actor Liev Schreiber cheated death when he was caught up by a riptide while learning to surf off the coast of Australia.
The movie star was holidaying with Aussie partner Naomi Watts when he decided to give surfing a try off the coast of Sydney suburb Tamarama - and it almost killed him.
The 42 year old tells Sydney's Daily Telegraph newspaper he thought he knew how to outswim the riptide - but he was wrong.
He says, "The stupid thing I did was instead of letting the rip take me and my surfboard out and then swimming back around the top, I said, 'I can swim out of this...' I was exhausted."
And the current dragged him to a cove, called McKenzies, where waves crash against a rock wall.
He adds, "It was like a washing machine. I've never experienced a break like it. It was so quick and strong with no room to get out at the end. The break just picked me up and dumped me in the rocks and wouldn't let me up.
"My leash got tangled around both legs so I couldn't get my legs out to swim. That's when I started sucking down water."
It was his training as a lifeguard in his teens that saved his life.
He explains, "I didn't move my legs and actually rested underwater and waited until my legs untangled and then floated back up. I got nailed a couple of times. But I didn't panic and I was able to swim to safety."
Sick Jackman Missed Blair Meeting
Hugh Jackman once missed the chance to meet former British prime minister Tony Blair - because he was too busy vomiting.
The X-Men actor starred in the 1998 London production of musical Oklahoma! and during his run at the National Theatre, the leading politician made a special trip to see the show.
But the Australian actor had been struck down with a migraine - and spent most of the performance rushing off stage to be sick.
And the illness meant the star was confined to the bathroom when he was supposed to be meeting the ex-Labour party chief after the show.
He tells Britain's FHM magazine, "I remember having a migraine when Tony Blair came to see Oklahoma!. I was going into the wings and throwing up whenever I was off stage, and afterwards Tony Blair came backstage to meet the cast, and of course I was throwing up."
Exclusive: Wolverine Clip
It's out in less than a week, but in case you're not already champing at the bit to see everyone's favourite big-haired berserker in action here's a taster from X-Men Origins: Wolverine, showing the man himself experiencing rather a disturbing nightmare.
As you probably already know, that's Lynn Collins in the clip as Silver Fox, the girlfriend that Wolverine finds when he abandons his fightin' ways and goes off to seek peace and inner oneness (probably not) in a cabin on a hilltop.
New Spot and NBA Promo for X-Men Origins: Wolverine
By Ryan Parsons
Two new videos have popped up for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The first video is a semi-lame NBA promo that at least shows some creative marketing by 20th Century Fox. Cute, but nothing special. What is cool is watching Gambit blow sh*t up.
The second video is a new TV spot for Wolverine that does show the largest sample of new footage to date. One of the best parts being Gambit, who has the ability to wreck shop.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Promos
Check out both videos below courtesy of TrailerAddict. First is the NBA spot to get you warmed up and only after that is the new TV spot (further below).
Fox Doing Ultra Last Minute Reshoots for X-Men Origins: Wolverine to Extend Running Time?
Posted by Sean
Today I received a very strange and intriguing report from an anonymous source concerning the upcoming release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. While I wouldn’t normally post a completely random rumour, in this case the tipster is someone who has e-mailed me before and has proven to be pretty reliable. Plus, considering all the wacky stuff that has happened thus far with Wolverine, I am now willing to believe just about anything.
Word on the street is that a brand new scene was shot for Wolverine on the Fox studio lot yesterday, involving both Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. I know it sounds crazy that they would shoot additional footage just one week before the movie’s release. It is crazy. But from what I’ve heard, a lot of the effects work for the movie is going right down to the wire anyway. Now, allow me speculate further: could it be that they are scrambling to alter the movie or extend the running time at the very last minute?
You may remember that when the workprint version of Wolverine leaked a couple of weeks ago, Fox head honcho Tom Rothman insisted that it was “missing key scenes” and that it was actually 10 minutes shorter than the finished version that would appear in theatres. However, now that the running time has been released online and some press screenings are starting to be held, a lot of people are reporting that the final version of Wolverine is exactly the same as the workprint. Obviously Fox is still pretty worried about the leak and wants to ensure that people have a reason to go see it in theatres. Do you think they have a reason to panic? Will people really avoid going to the theatre if they find out the workprint isn’t missing scenes after all?
Fact: Wolverine’s Scott Adkins is a Scary Man - Film School Rejects
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The astute among you may recall the name Scott Adkins being tossed around a lot while we worked on solving the Deadpool Mystery. Our final conclusion pegged the mysterious, half-naked ninja-spin-kicking dude as Deadpool as portrayed by Scott Adkins, master ass kicker. In our search, we made friends with some people who follow Adkins’ career pretty closely and they sent us over some goodies to have a look at so I thought we’d share. First, a video of Scott training for the starring role in Undisputed 3, a direct to video sequel in the Undisputed series that will most definitely feature Scott murdering people with his fists.
I’m a bit of an egotistical meat-head sometimes and often look at people, professional boxers, and actors and think to myself “I could take him.” Seriously. I’ve measured my odds against tons of people and, most likely mistakenly, assume I’ll come out on top. But not this dude. This is the kind of guy who looks unassuming but after watching this there isn’t a shadow of a doubt that he’d punch me in the face thirty times, spin kick me, steal my wallet, and take my girl to dinner all before I realized the fight started.
Adkins has a few properties coming up, most notable to us being the simply titled Ninja. Not too much is out surrounding the movie yet, but suffice to say Adkins is a Westerner who plays a ninja that is going to beat the hell out of people, like so:
Adkins can next be seen performing inhuman tasks without the aide of wires (most of the time) in X-Men Origins Wolverine.
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What do you think of this guy? Want to stay updated on some of his cooler ass-kicking projects?Collider Goes to Activision for a Preview of the new WOLVERINE Video Game
Written by Brandon Bales
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The past few weeks have been kind to X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Activision has done a bang-up job getting this game onto the old radar of the internets, and we discovered today that the game deserves it. That’s great praise for a comic-book-to-game adaptation; AMAZING praise for a movie-to-game adaptation!
We were lucky enough to be invited into a special playtest hosted this week by Activision at their offices in Santa Monica. They gave us an excellent rundown of the game’s mechanics, and then turned us loose on the game, giving us about one and a half hours of playtime – which positively flew by.
While the film is certainly poised to be a strong contender for summer movie champion, the game has been a footnote for a bit of time. See, the simple hurdle that this piece faces is the age-old question (some would say conundrum at this point ): Could a licensed movie tie-in game be worth anything at all? So often done quick and dirty, the answer is almost always no. Well, we’re happy to report that publisher Activision and developer Raven Software (crafters of the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance series ) have lovingly crafted an exception.
As soon as the demo booted up, it was clear that this game has been in the oven for a time, and that it’s got style to spare. Wolverine is blown out of a helicopter somewhere in Africa, he smashes to the ground, and soon is ripping through waves of resistance. The presenters were quick to show us the myriad moves at the player’s disposal, and they were varied and mostly quite visually keen. Simple combos initially available really showed off the game’s ability to effectively capture the feeling of the delicious balletic violence we crave in this post-Matrix world. Most interesting at first glance was the lunge maneuver, wherein Wolvie leaps dozens of feet to quickly dispatch opponents via a simple targeting system. Straight-ahead, up or down cliffs, or as a means of travel from one perch to the next, the lunge is a great-looking mechanic.
Next, we got to see some of the game’s other features like the Rage Meter, which enables a variety of beefy super-moves. Finally, we were treated to an epic boss battle between Wolvie and a giant Sentinel. Oh yeah. The fight was pretty epic, and it had a satisfying conclusion (after some hilarious trial-and-error on the part of one of the designers!).
Getting our hands on the game proved to be very nearly as exciting as watching it unfold on the demo screen. The controls took a few minutes to get used to, but soon, we were having those fully audible “Oh yeah!” moments after dispatching some grunts in true Wolverine fashion. Raven has thrown in enough bells and whistles at the start to get you very excited about feeling like you’re ACTUALLY pulling off Wolverine’s moves in a fashion befitting of a top-tier game release. Raven’s promises to bring us a worthy Wolverine look like they’ll hold up through the game’s length, too, as there’s a leveling system in place that allows you to power up his moves during the game, and unlock new ones, to boot.
So, to what game might one compare this one, based off initial impressions? Weeeeeell, God of War might be a good place to start! In fact, in our hands, the game seemed to strike many a similar note. Let’s put on our own Developer’s Cap here for a minute, though, and consider the options. If you were making a Wolverine game fit for today’s action game marketplace, where better to start than the blood-soaked stones of Kratos’s Mount Olympus? In fact, I’m pretty sure I thought I heard its name invoked by one of the Activision reps in the room as I clawed my way through a new wave of enemies:
Rep: “I remember when God of War 1 came out –“ Me (taking off my headphones): “Did you just say God of War?” Rep: “What?” Me: “Did you just say God of War?..” Rep (looking away, a slight smirk growing on his face ): “I don’t know what you’re talking about…” We’ll see how much the game carries on that vibe once we play through the review copy in its entirety, but regardless, we’re sure that Activision has a real winner on its hands here. Raven has brought us a quality title, two and a half years in the making, and it’s going to make Wolverine fans and action game fans pretty happy. (Note that the version of the game we played was the “Uncaged” edition of the game, developed for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC platforms. The game will be released on virtually every other console, but as different builds by different developers.)
Hugh Jackman's Son, 8, Loves Pointing Out "Hot Chicks"
Hugh Jackman's eight-year-old son loves pointing out "hot chicks." The "X Men Origins: Wolverine" actor - who raises Oscar and three-year-old Ava with his wife Deborra-Lee Furness - can't decide whether to be embarrassed or impressed when Oscar shows him attractive girls when they are out.
Hugh said: "My son is already scoping the crowd for chicks. It's unbelievable. The other day he said to me, 'Dad, two o'clock. Hot chick.' I'm like, 'What?' He goes, 'They're hot aren't they?' I go, 'They're about fourteen.' They're fourteen by the way. He's eight. And so part of me is going, 'Yeah, go on son,' and part of me is like, 'Oscar they're fourteen, I can't comment on whether they're hot or not.'"
Hugh - who was inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Tuesday - also revealed Oscar only shows interest in his movie career when he wants to speak to a girl.
The 40-year-old actor explained to U.S. talk show host Jay Leno: "He walks on over to them, I swear, he walks over and I could hear him, he goes, 'Hi, how are you? I just want you to know my dad is Wolverine.' He doesn't normally talk to me about Wolverine at all, it's a funny thing, he's normally quiet about it."
New X-Men Origins: Wolverine TV Spot
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The folks over at Facebook have premiered a new TV spot for 20th Century Fox's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which opens in theaters on May 1. Check out the clip here.
The clip is essentially a re-cut of scenes already shown in previous trailers and clips, but does add an interesting narrative voice over from Patrick Stewart.
Hugh Jackman reprises the role that made him a superstar—as the fierce fighting machine who possesses amazing healing powers, retractable claws and a primal fury. Leading up to the events of X-Men, X-Men Origins: Wolverine tells the story of Wolverine's epically violent and romantic past, his complex relationship with Victor Creed, and the ominous Weapon X program. Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends of the X-Men universe whose appearances in the film series have long been anticipated.
Directed by Gavin Hood, the prequel stars Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Ryan Reynolds, Taylor Kitsch,, Danny Huston, Dominic Monaghan, Daniel Henney and Lynn Collins.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
"Wolverine" Outselling "Iron Man" in Advance Ticket Sales
While many people are looking forward to seeing "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," there is no denying the fact that the recent leak might hurt the film's box office results.
It was recently reported that the film is tracking extremely well among key demographic groups and most of the people that have already downloaded the film are claiming that they will see it on the big screen or on DVD/Blu-ray. So which one is it, will the film suffer or will it not be impacted by the leak?
Online ticketer MovieTickets is now reporting that its advance sales for "Wolverine" are outpacing those for "Iron Man," by three to one. "Iron Man" was released last year in early May, and went on to bring in over $100 million during its opening weekend.
X-Men Producer Talks Magneto & X-Men: First Class
Written by: Rob Keyes
SCI FI Wire spoke with producer Lauren Shuler Donner over the phone last week to promote next Friday’s opening of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and they took some time to discuss several other projects that are in development for Fox Studios, including the Magneto spinoff and X-Men: First Class.
The first question was simply asking for a status update on X-Men Origins: Magneto for which Shuler Donner responded (responses below edited by SCI FI Wire):
“I don’t know. We have a great script. Honestly, we have all been just so focused on getting Wolverine out that we didn’t take the time to sit down and explore ‘What are the movies we’re going to do next within the genre?’ We will do that. We will do that. We all want to. Magneto is a fantastic script, and hopefully we’ll make it. I don’t know.”
I love the Magneto character and he certainly has an intriguing history to flesh out a nice story for a feature film, but I’m very fearful of what Fox may do with the character.
If things stay on track to what we’ve seen in the X-Men films and the Wolverine spinoff, we’ll likely see a convoluted history of the character loaded with other popular characters that don’t belong. Maybe they’ll throw in characters Cable and Bishop and some Sentinels just for the sake of it.
We knew scripts had been written and in November of last year we reported on the plot synopsis of the Magneto origins story. Whether or not this movie will get the greenlight however, depends on the success of Wolverine’s solo spinoff. SCI Fi Wire asked Donner if the reaction to the Wolverine movie will affect the Magneto spinoff:
“I think this is partly to do with it, yes. And then we have First Class, which is based on the X-Men comics’ first class and is very literal to the title. It’s the first class in Xavier’s school. But that’s just being written. I haven’t even seen a first draft. And I’m producing that with Simon Kinberg.”
Last year, it was reported that Josh Schwartz (The OC, Gossip Girl and Chuck) was hired by Fox to write the script for the First Class film which would tell the story of the original five X-Men characters (at least in the comics) when Xavier’s school for the gifted first started up. Donner was asked what interests her about the First Class movie and it as a potential franchise:
“I like kids. I did produce Pretty in Pink and St. Elmo’s Fire. I do like those kind of teenage movies; I really do. Part of it takes me to my roots. It’s action. There seems, to me, to be more humor, or more potential for humor. I really like that idea. The relationship … I don’t want to get into what the script is about, but it provides a bit of a lighter touch to the franchise.”
I like the idea of a more focused X-Film with a 5-mutant team but a kids movie? Is that what the next X-Men films will be? I’m not sure what the fans of the comics or previous X-films will think of that.
John Scalzi - Box Office Predictions for Wolverine, Trek and a Summer of SciFi
The summer movie season used to start on Memorial Day, but even in a recession there's money to be made, and the studios are planning to make it. So now we kick off the first weekend in May with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. How will it do? And how will scifi movies do this summer? Well, clearly I'm here to tell you.
Disclosure: I haven't seen any of these yet. These predictions here are based on previews, gossip, and my own mystical skills developed over nearly two decades as a film critic and commentator. Got it? Excellent.
May 1: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
On the one hand it's focused on the most popular X-Man out there and Hugh Jackman looks suitably badass. On the other hand, the last X-Men movie was both goofy and disappointing, and I suspect this one's going to have to be really excellent to make up for it. The fact that the movie leaked on the Internet, oddly enough, might help combat that.
Box Office Prediction: Hit -- but only a medium-sized one.

I don't know why its marketing logic makes me laugh, but it does. Of course anything with a metal blade is an obvious tie-in, but the commercials aren't about razor sharp claws, they're themed around Wolverine's legendary muttonchops! Schick is even running a contest to award the man with the finest Wolverine facial hair a bunch of prizes. If this leads to a muttonchop comeback, I'll be really happy, provided you boys keep them as nicely groomed as Logan's. Unfortunately, that "limited edition" label will keep a lot of dudes from even opening the package. Ugh.
Of course, if they really wanted to be obvious and true to the character, they would have slapped Wolverine on some beer advertisements, but that pesky PG-13 rating gets in the way. He can chug brews on screen, but off? He has to sell milk.
Jackman Nearly Lost Hand After Helicopter Stunt
Action hero Hugh Jackman's idea to arrive at a movie premiere via helicopter almost ended in a gruesome disaster when he came close to losing his hand.
The daring star was keen to make a big entrance for the start of his press tour for new movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine in Sydney, Australia earlier this month.
But Jackman almost left onlookers below splattered in blood when he hung out of the aircraft and his hat was ripped from his hand by one of its propellers.
He says, "I was hanging out of a helicopter because... I just thought it was a good way to make an entrance.
"I'm kind of tall, I'm standing on the side and I put my hat on. (When I waved) the hat flew off. I look back and the guy (pilot) said, 'Your hand was about that far from the rotors!'"
But Jackman insists he has no plans keep his inner daredevil in check, despite nearly losing a limb.
Brushing off the incident, he adds: "But I got the hat."
New internet trailer for Wolverine | Filmonic
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A new and most likely final trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine has appeared online, and I feel like I have seen it before…oh wait I have. The trailer is a shiny HD version of the Comic Con trailer from July last year. It was our very first look at Wolverine but we only got to see it via crappy camera footage as it was never released online. That is until now. Watch below!
In other Wolverine news a TV spot featuring a voice-over from Patrick Stewart (Charles Xavier) has been playing. It’s cool to see Fox trying to connect the X-Men films.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Hugh Jackman Records His Name and Sink hands into Hollywood History
Hugh Jackman sank his hand and foot prints into cement outside the famous Grauman’s Chinese Theater on Tuesday to immortalized his name in Hollywood history. Jackman, who was titled as the “Sexiest Man Alive” by the People’s Magazine, stars in the upcoming “X-Men Origins: Wolverine“.
Located at Hollywood Boulevard, Grauman’s Chinese Theater is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the city. For the past 82 years several Hollywood legends like Cary Grant and Judy Garland have been feted by stamping their own signed hand and foot prints into the theater’s courtyard.
Jackman, who visited the Theater earlier with his wife, has been quoted as saying that this was the first Hollywood landmark he visited in Los Angeles. Before sinking his hands in the cement Jackman put his hands into the prints of late comedian Peter Sellers.
Addressing to the crowd gathered at the ceremony Jackman said, “Here we are, 12 years later. It’s a very humbling moment as an actor to be here. You look down at the names, from Fred Astaire to Cary Grant, Clint Eastwood, Al Pacino, Steve McQueen, John Wayne, and to think that those people have been immortalized and pretty soon I’ll be putting my hands in wet cement”. And then the actor planted his palms into the cement.
Jackman’s upcoming film “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” debuts in two weeks from now.
Wolverine: Running Time Controversy and New Internet Trailer
Written by: Peter Sciretta
20th Century Fox has released a new internet-only trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine on Apple (click on the “exclusive clip”). The film finally hits theaters next week. I’m not quite sure the point of the new edit, as it doesn’t seem to offer much that wasn’t shown in previous trailers/television spots. It’s very possible that the trailer was an alternative cut of the previous trailer, and that Fox decided to release it online to further combat the piracy of the leaked workprint.
Speaking of which, when the movie showed up online, Fox head Tom Rothman told Entertainment Weekly that “the version that went out” was “about 10 minutes shorter, doesn’t have key scenes, it wasn’t edited, and none of the effects shots were in any remotely final form.” The Huffington Post noticed that both the leaked “unfinished” workprint and the final cut have the same running time of 107 minutes. How could this be? Did Rothman lie? Or does the theatrical cut actually feature ten minutes of “key scenes” not in the early cut?
Movieline ’s sources claim that “cuts had been made to the leaked workprint before the additional footage was added, which resulted in a similar running time.” I’m sure we’ll find out exactly how much different the theatrical cut is early next week.
Wolverine Trailer 3
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The third, and almost certainly final trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine has just debuted online over at Apple. This is their big, epic, operatic trailer filled with fatalistic choir music and lots of heavy, slow motion posting. Hey it’s not bad. New (at least to me) is a shot of the Blob where he’s actually fat, and a really good look at Wolverine sporting bone daggers on his hand, before getting his fancy Adamantium skeleton.
Watch the third trailer for Wolverine below, or better yet head over to Apple and watch it in high-res. Wolverine hits theatres May 1.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Marvel Hotline: Wolverine: Hunger
UK contest: Win a VIP trip to Hollywood with X-Men Origins: Wolverine
There are seemingly countless ways you could celebrate the 29th May release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. You could clock some serious hours at the gym in a bid to buff up like the muscled mutant played by People magazine’s sexiest man, Hugh Jackman. You could reject your razor and cultivate some mutton chops worthy of the hairy hero (more on cinematic sideburns later in the week Boxwishers) or you could simply enter this fantastic competition which could earn you the trip of a lifetime to Hollywood. We know which one we prefer…
This exciting competition will see you and a buddy jet off to LAX airport and stay three nights at the famous Spanish-style 4-star Roosevelt Hotel (rumoured to be haunted by former Tinseltown inhabitants Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift) on Hollywood Boulevard. Also thrown into the mix is a swanky dinner at either STK (L.A. Steakhouse) or 208 Rodeo restaurant and a day at the 20th Century Fox studios including a VIP tour, two course lunch and a private screening of a Fox blockbuster movie. And to remember your day you’ll be given two goodie bags – one from Fox and the other from their partner in this offer, fashion chain French Connection. 10 Runners-up will each receive an X-Men Origins: Wolverine goodie bag.
The package is due to take place in October, so make sure you’re free during that month before entering the competition which marks a cool collaboration between the film’s studio 20th Century Fox and French Connection. In support of this, FCUK is currently selling some fantastic Wolverine T-shirts (get yours here) and even has some of last year’s popular Batman tees on sale and an Incredible Hulk one as well.
To enter simply answer the easy question and submit your details here. Good luck!
Wolverine vs. Sabretooth Clip and Three More Wolverine Character Profiles
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new clip featuring a pissed off Wolverine confronting a smooth, happy-go-lucky Sabretooth and three more character profiles from the upcoming “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”, which opens May 1st. Yup, it’s almost here. We’ll finally be able to see what all the hullabaloo is all about. And yes, I believe that is a technical term for big-budget Hollywood Summer Event films that have been enshrouded in controversy.
The three new characters focused this time are The Blob, Emma Frost, and Stryker, the villain of the piece. Not sure why they’re profiling Frost and Blob, do they really have that big of a role in the movie? I don’t see one for Agent Zero, though, and I see him in all the trailers. The clip is called “Not From Around Here”, and is apparently after Sabretooth has taken out Wolvie’s lady love which, justifiably, ticks the little Canucklehead off pretty something awful. (Wolvie is still Canadian in the movie, right?)
Starring Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Liev Schreiber, Dominic Monaghan, Lynn Collins, Danny Huston, Daniel Henney, Taylor Kitsch, Kevin Durand, Scott Adkins, Will i Am, and directed by Gavin Hood.
Videos via Yahoo! Movies. See the previous five character profiles here.
Up first, Wolverine-Sabretooth clip:
Three additional character profiles for Emma Frost, The Blob, and Stryker:
Emma Frost
The Blob
All the characters in one shot.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Hugh Jackman on FCBD plus Wolverine Trailer
Copyright 2009, 20th Century Fox, All Rights Reserved.
Ryan Reynolds Auctioning Premiere Tickets
Ever dream of attending a movie premiere on the arm of Ryan Reynolds? Well, wife Scarlett Johansson might not approve of that. But here's a chance to get close! Reynolds is auctioning off tickets to the upcoming premieres of his two movies, X-Men Origins: Wolverine and The Proposal – and it's all for a good cause.
Reynolds is selling the rare chance to hit the red carpet with him to raise funds for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research.
Lucky bidders for the Wolverine tickets will not only attend the April 28 premiere at Mann Chinese Theater in Hollywood, but will be seated "near Reynolds," according to the Foundation. Sign up and bid for your chance here.
Jackman's Shock At Waiter's Tattoo Tribute
Hugh Jackman was once surprised by a superfan waiter in a restaurant - who stripped off to reveal a tattoo of his X-men character Wolverine.
The Australian actor was enjoying a meal at an upmarket eaterie in New York when a server approached his table.
But instead of taking the star's order, he shocked the star by whipping off his shirt to reveal a tattoo on his back depicting the superhero.
Jackman says, "He took his shirt off in the middle of the restaurant and I saw the guy's back was covered with a tattoo of my character, Wolverine.
"I run into Wolverine groupies all over the place from convention-goers to custom officials."
Tempe, Arizona Wins 'Wolverine' Premiere
The U.S. premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine will be held in Tempe, Arizona at the Harkins Cine Capri at Tempe Marketplace. The online contest to determine a winner came down to the Phoenix suburb and Davis, California on Friday, the final day of voting.
Hugh Jackman and the rest of the cast will forego their normal red carpet duties in Hollywood for the Arizona event on Monday, April 27th, and Jackman told USA Today he's very excited to be coming to the Valley of the Sun for the first time. “People were so excited to get involved, and it was just amazing.”
“I do love meeting the fans, particularly with these movies," he added. "I know how passionate they are, and I love to share it with them.”
We've been promoting the contest for a couple of weeks, and since the premiere is maybe ten minutes away from me, I'll try to get some red carpet coverage of some kind. I'll keep you posted...
Cool New X-Men Origins Wolverine Poster
Here’s a brand new movie poster featuring Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the upcoming film “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” by director Gavin Hood and starring Hugh Jackman, Maggie Q and Liev Schreiber.
Synopsis: The mutant known as Wolverine breaks off into his off spin-off film from the successful X-MEN! franchise. Hugh Jackman (X1, X2, Van Helsing) returns as Logan/ Wolverine-A mutant with regenerative powers, three claws on each hand and a skeleton all laced with the rare metal known as adamantium. Logan struggles to find the secrets to his past. After learning little information through the help of Charles Xavier (X2’s Patrick Stewart), Logan takes his search even further by learning the full truth of his origin, while also heading in a bold, new direction.

Sunday, 19 April 2009
Let's Rebuild Len Wein's Comic Book Collection!
By: Glenn Hauman
From Mark Evanier:
Earlier this month, my friends Len Wein and Chris Valada lost a pretty good sized chunk of their house and belongings in a fire. They're moving (today, I think) into a rental home for what might be a year while their regular dwelling is rebuilt. Insurance is paying for most of the reconstruction but there are things that just plain weren't covered. One was Len's book collection, most notably his shelves of comic books he's written over the years.
The loss in that category is not primarily financial. Some of Len's comics — like the ones in which he co-created Swamp Thing or Wolverine or Human Target — go these days for hefty bucks but many do not. They're sitting in the bargain boxes at comic shops or in collectors' piles of duplicates. The big problem here is the time it would take to track down all the issues of everything. Len has enough other things to do, just to rearrange his life these days. So some of his friends decided to take that chore off his shoulders.
In that spirit was born The "Let's Rebuild Len Wein's Comic Book Collection" Project. The goal is to...well, you can probably figure out the goal. Go to that page. Read about it. See what you can send. And please spread the word.
Just a quick note: the list that's currently up at the site is only of books that Len wrote, none that he edited. We expect there will be a modified master list shortly, even if we have to compile it ourselves.
X-Men Origins Wolverine Video Game Sneak Peek
Watch a brand new video game trailer based on the upcoming film “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” by director Gavin Hood and starring Hugh Jackman, Maggie Q and Liev Schreiber.
Synopsis: The mutant known as Wolverine breaks off into his off spin-off film from the successful X-MEN! franchise. Hugh Jackman (X1, X2, Van Helsing) returns as Logan/ Wolverine-A mutant with regenerative powers, three claws on each hand and a skeleton all laced with the rare metal known as adamantium. Logan struggles to find the secrets to his past. After learning little information through the help of Charles Xavier (X2’s Patrick Stewart), Logan takes his search even further by learning the full truth of his origin, while also heading in a bold, new direction.
Hugh Jackman too buff for wife
Hugh Jackman's wife finds his muscular body "annoying".
The actor, who embarked on a gruelling exercise regime for his new movie 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine', infuriated his spouse Deborra-Lee Furness by getting into better shape than her.
He joked: "She gets very annoyed. She says, 'A husband's job is to be fat and flabby and make me look fabulous.' She said I wasn't living up to my end of the bargain."
Hugh undertook a "full-on" fitness and diet programme to reprise his role as the mutant superhero and insists he achieved his chiselled physique solely through hard work and healthy eating.
The 40-year-old Australian actor started each day at 6am with a full work out, followed by another intense session in the afternoon.
He also had to eat a small meal of steamed chicken and vegetables every three hours.
Addressing reports he used steroids to bulk up, he said: "I'm an actor man. I don't want to kill myself.
Did Arizona Just Win the 'Wolverine' Premiere?
We've been covering the online contest for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine premiere for a couple of weeks, and it got a lot more interesting for me personally in the last seven days, as nearby Tempe, Arizona was in serious contention to grab the film's big U.S. christening on April 27th.
Voting ended Friday and the official announcement comes Monday, but Big Picture reader Scott H. sent me a couple of "test" e-mails he received from Fox, which confirm and then deny that Tempe has won the contest.
The first e-mail gives very specific information about the Wolverine event:
CONGRATULATIONS, Tempe! You will be the first to Witness the Origin on Monday, April 27th when Hugh Jackman and the rest of the cast from X-Men Origins: Wolverine JOIN us for a special event and announcement from Hugh Jackman today at 12PM at the Harkins Theater at Tempe Marketplace. The first 100 fans to arrive will receive tickets to the WORLD PREMIERE the following week! brings the WORLD PREMIERE to Tempe.And the follow-up had more of a "Move on, there's nothing to see here" approach:
"Due to an internal technical error, you may have received an invalid email regarding the results of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine premier. The results for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine premiere are NOT final, and are still being tallied."
So it's one of two things: Either Tempe didn't win and the e-mail was written in the past few days for several different cities that were in the running...or, it just went out earlier than it should have and Fox caught its mistake too late. Either way, as Scott pointed out to me, Fox sure can't keep a lid on anything Wolverine these days.
Therefore, while we can't say it's official, it's certainly encouraging for all of us in the Valley of the Sun.
X-Men FOX Cartoon for sale!
Hey folks. Just a head's up. On April 28, The original X-Men Fox cartoon is available at Wal-Mart for 19.38 per volume (volume 1 and 2).
You can pre-order it online at for 17.86 a piece.
Volume 1
Volume 2
When it's all said and done, I ended up paying 1.07 more for the online order than getting it in the store. I'm content with that.