Monday, 2 August 2010

Robert Rodriguez nearly confirmed for Deadpool |

Robert Rodriguez nearly confirmed for Deadpool |

Predators producer Robert Rodriguez is finally in negotiation to helm the big screen version of Deadpool.

Though rumours have been surfacing and then deep sea diving like a very confused killer whale, official reports have at last confirmed that the Planet Terror director is in talks for the flick.

Say the LA Times:

“After a few weeks of dancing, Rodriguez and studio Fox are negotiating. There's no deal yet, and the sides need to agree on a number of key points, but it's moved beyond the casual discussion stage and into the more substantive realm of deal points.”

What do we think of that? Well, hallelujah! Rodriguez would be perfect for Deadpool, his past works proving that he can handle both hyper-stylised action violence and tongue-in-cheek humour – two key ingredients that Deadpool would most certainly involve.

First, though, Rodriguez has to shoot (snore) Spy Kids 4: Armageddon, while Fox are also badgering him for ideas for a Predators follow-up.

One bit of definite good news, though: superhero hogger Ryan Reynolds is still attached to star, even though he’s currently busy wrapping up shooting Green Lantern while also looking for space in his busy schedule to film R.I.P.D

Think Rodriguez and Deadpool are a match made in heaven?

Source: [LA Times]