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After all the ballots were counted, the top two characters were separated by less than a dozen votes, and both of them seem more than up to the task of taking on Wolverine when he heads to Japan—or anywhere else, for that matter. Here's how the poll broke down, and why the votes went the way they did, according to readers:
Tentacled Russian villain Omega Red won the poll with 33 percent of the total votes, but recurring Wolverine foe Silver Samurai was close behind with 32 percent of the final tally. With Wolverine originally making his debut in a brawl with the Hulk, Marvel's Green Goliath also managed a respectable number of votes, and smashed his way to 18 percent of the total.
Neither Sabretooth, Cyber nor the combined efforts of the deadly ninja cult The Hand managed to generate more than 5 percent of the total votes, and X-Men foe Magneto barely factored into the poll at all. Take that, Master of Magnetism!
This week's responses in the "Other" category also proved fertile ground for some interesting responses, with a few votes for his son in the comics, Daken, as well as X-Men villains Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse.
As always, readers offered a wealth of input about why they voted the way they did. Here are some of the interesting responses I received via the comment section and Twitter:
- Anoobis: Although I like Omega red more then Silver Samurai, I chose Silver Samurai cause Omega Red is russian, it just woulnd't make sense for him to be in Japan without altering his origins completly.
- Toast-Jammer: How about Wendigo? I think the Hand would be decent in the next movie, and I could see an argument being made that Sabertooth should always show up in a Wolverine movie, but I don't know who the big bad should be next time around. Hulk would be fun, but for my money... WEN-DI-GO! .... I doubt that they'll do Omega Red, since they've got Whiplash in the new Iron Man movie. Russian dude with whips? It's been done.
- @chandlerfan: which villain would i like to see in wolverine 2.i would love to see cyber.they have an interesting history
- john@themovies: I voted for Omega Red, who's a true patriot. With his adamanium tentacles up against Wolverine. WAUW! But I also find that the Silver Samurai would play a big role in the movie. Because Wolverine learns the meaning of honor in Japan. It's a whole different world for him. In that world, the Silver Samurai thinks he's a man of honor. In the wrongs he does, he thinks the honor justifice the goals, or something like that. And last but not least, I would like to see Sun Fire, the Japanese hero. I heard that Jackie Chan would like to get a role in a Marvel movie, LOL Sun Fire would do great. Think about it. When Wolverine 2 comes out, Captain America will already been on the screen. Sun Fire is like the national Japanees hero, sort of. Lady Deathstryke? Didn't she died in X-2? They would have to resurrect her in a believable way... Me, I'm for Omega Red, Silver Samurai and Sun Fire. Well, we'll see...
So, there you have it! Keep it locked to Splash Page tomorrow for the next weekly poll!
Singer has long been intrigued with "Battlestar Galactica" and flirted with relaunching it into a TV series right after he directed the original "X-Men." Back in 2001 I wrote about his plan, which involved teaming with Tom DeSanto to exec produce the series. Singer planned to direct the pilot of the new version of a series that originally launched on ABC in 1978 and ran two seasons. Here is what he said at the time, comments that certainly proved prescient:
"The lesson I learned on `X-Men' is to have a healthy respect for the fan base of sci-fi fantasy franchises, and I'm confident that the `Galactica' brand is a sleeping giant. It was a show I watched during its initial run, from the pilot to the final episode. The essence and the brand name is quite potent in a climate where there's a great deficit of scifi programming."
It is possible that the timing of the series went awry because of the World Trade Center disaster that occurred later that year. Certainly, it made a series that launched with the attack and destruction of earth unpalatable.
The director got busy on other projects. Ronald Moore came on as executive producer and oversaw the 73-episode series relaunch, which had a critically acclaimed run on Syfy.
It wasn't immediately clear whether Moore would be invited to write the screenplay, but it is clear that Singer will put his own creative stamp on the project as the studio indicates that the film will be "a complete re-imagination."
Glen Larson is aboard to produce. Singer's repped by WME and attorney Dave Feldman.
TORONTO - The "X-Men"'s Shawn Ashmore will star in the TV adaptation of the acclaimed book, "Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures."
Producers say Ashmore will portray Fitz, a troubled air-ambulance doctor with a lust for life and alcohol.
The eight-part, hour-long series follows the lives of three doctors as they navigate medical school, residency and their first years working in a busy Toronto hospital.
It's based on Vincent Lam's short story collection "Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures," which won the Scotiabank Giller Prize in 2006.
The series debuts on Movie Central and The Movie Network early next year.
Filming began June 29 and runs until Sept. 23, in and around Toronto and Hamilton.
Mayko Nguyen of "ReGenesis" plays Fitz's love interest, Ming, while Byron Mann of "Dark Angel" plays Ming's husband, Chen.
The 29-year-old Ashmore, from Richmond, B.C., played the frosty Bobby Drake on "X-Men" and Terry Fox in the made-for-TV movie, "Terry."
He also serves as an executive producer on "Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures."
Lam serves as a creative consultant on the series.
When you think of Hugh Jackman, you think tough, handsome, and rugged – the kind of guy you'd expect to play Wolverine in the X-Men films or an Australian cowboy in the film Australia. One role you probably never expected to see Hugh Jackman in is as an Avon salesman, which is a job that's usually held by women because, well, they're selling make-up and most men don't wear make-up. (Not that there's anything wrong with wearing make-up if you're a guy … but, um, okay, I'll just shut up now.)
Variety tells us that 20th Century Fox has acquired a comedy pitch from Kevin Bisch (Hitch) called Avon Man as a potential starring vehicle for Hugh Jackman. The film, which sort of sounds like America's version of The Full Monty, tells of a group of laid off men from a car dealership who venture into the Avon world in order to help their financially strapped families. Jackman would play the leader of the group; the guy who convinces everyone else to join in an attempt to win a regional contest.
Sounds like a fairly harmless comedy, and we all love watching a group of strong men getting in touch with their female sides for a change. What do you think of the idea, and who should join Jackman in the cast?
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition downloadable content is now available for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Custom Combat Arena
Gamers can spawn any combination of small and large enemies to face combinations not available in standard gameplay, including a Sentinel Prototype, Jungle Grappler, Machine Gunners and more.
Ladder Challenge
Once players have encountered all enemies in the game, the Ladder Challenge room unlocks, presenting gamers with a preconfigured challenge. Enemy types and numbers start small and ramp up, flooding the room for fifty waves of increasingly difficult combat challenges.
Environmental Simulator
This room includes all the unique environmental weapons in the game, including broken tree branches that can be used as spears, forklift skids to throw enemies toward and computer consoles into which players can smash enemies into.
The Weapon X Arena also contains a bonus room with heightened enemy reaction effects.
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