Tuesday, 12 February 2008

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Pic Online?


Cinematical was sent in a pic of what appears to be the first image of Hugh Jackman in full Wolverine gear...

The photo shows Jackman dressed in a familiar black leather outfit complete with his loganesque side-burns. In the full pic, he's standing next to two fans.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which is currently shooting in New Zealand tells the story of Logan's Weapon X beginnings and how he became the adamantium laced Wolverine. They're keeping casting for this one under lock and key at the moment, but we do know that Liev Schreiber is involved, most likely playing Victor Creed, aka Sabertooth, and that Aussie actor Christian Clark joined the cast in an unspecified role not long ago. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is due out in theaters on May 1, 2009.

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