This Sideshow comiquette is ostensibly of the X-Men's Jean Grey, during one of the 35 million times she turned evil, and joining the Hellfire Club as the Black Queen. But really, it's just a statue of of a hot woman in a corset holding a whip, so I hope the people who buy feel the shame of owning a statue of a lingerie-wearing harlot, and aren't convincing themselves it's okay because it's of a Marvel supersluthero.
Disagree? Think about it this way: Unless you hold onto the package, I don't think you could convince any non-comic fan that you don't just own a statue of a whore--there's no X-Men logo, no Hellfire Club base, hell, it doesn't even say "Jean Grey" anywhere. Say what you want about the White Queen, but at least she occasionally wears a cape, which implies something comic book-y going on besides mere sluttery.
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